how to do subq inject with IGF?



Is there anywhere that shows how to do a subcutaneous injection (for IGF) with pictures like the spotinjections site shows how to do IM? Also, what is the consensus between IM and subq for IGF? Those who have done it both ways, did you get better results with IM or subq?
i ve always done sub q, and have gotten great results... From what i read sub q gives a more systemic result where as im will definetly grow that muscle more. I ve never seen a pic to show sub q but sure it is out there some where, using a slin needle i donthink you have many problems.
Yes, you use the same kind of pin for it.

For those who have done it subq, what kind of results did you get, and do you think they are substantially different than results you got doing IM? I'm familiar with the way it works IM.
i've gotten great results from sub-q but can't compair to im... have only done sub q but deffinet growth and pumps.
I've done both and gotten exactly the same result in growth, cell volumization and sides. The only difference I noticed were the painful little nodules that injecting sub q left. I only go IM now!
I just got my bottle of IGF and have the pins. Forgive me for not knowing all the lingo, I had someone supplying info but has gone awol momentarily. Do I need to mix the bottle as I received it with something? Is there a tutorial on how to get started in the forums that I missed?
Did you get your IGF from here? If so it is already in solution and ready to use. All you need to do now is load it in your slin pin and inject "intramuscular" or "IM".
I found the following posted by Labrat back in November 2003 on the way to do subq injections:

How to do a subQ inj:

Select your injection site. This must be an area that has a layer of fat between the skin and the muscle. This is called subcutaneous. The following parts of your body have subcutaneous layers:

* outer surface of the upper arm
* top of thighs
* buttocks
* abdomen, except the navel or waistline

1. If you are very thin do not use the abdomen as an injection site.
2. Do not use the same site for injections each time.
3. Rotate your injection sites in a regular pattern. You should be at least 1 1/2 inches away from the last injection site. Jot down on your calendar where you gave you last shot. This will help prevent giving the shot in the same place too soon.
4. Select a site and cleanse the area (about 2 inches) with a fresh alcohol pad, or cotton ball soaked in alcohol.
5. Wait for the site to dry.
6. Remove the needle cap.
7. Pinch a 2 inch fold of skin between your thumb and index finger.
8. Hold the syringe the way you would a pencil or dart. Insert the needle at a 45 to 90 degree angle to the pinched up skin. The needle should be completely covered by skin. If you do this quickly, you will feel very little discomfort.
9. Hold the syringe with one hand. With the other, pull back the plunger to check for blood. If you see blood in the solution in the syringe, do not inject. Withdraw the needle and start again at a new site.
10. If you do not see blood, slowly push the plunger to inject the medication. Press the plunger all the way down.
11. Remove the needle from the skin and gently hold an alcohol pad on the injection site. Do not rub.
12. If there is bleeding, apply a bandage.
13. Immediately put the syringe and needle into the disposal container*.
