Igf questions


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I have done 5 1000mcg from another source (not sure if i'm aloud to post the source)it was fine I think so waiting for my 6 bottles (MC) from you cant wait but I have some questions I will only do 40 mcg per day for a total of 200 mcg per week so does it matter if I go on 5 day on 2 off no pin on off days @ 40 mcg or do 50 mcg on EOD same 200 mcg for the week and with a half life of 20-30 hrs or 72 hrs I just read a min ago EOD shouldn't matter right? also taking TNT 400 MG (tren ant 150 mg/test ant 250) 14 days at the start with M1Ts oh yes I almost forgot I only did 40 Day cycles to a max of 50 Days on igf then equal off do I have to go off will gains stop after 50 days or is that a myth? how long is the life at room temp and fridge temp I read 8-12 months.
I have done 5 1000mcg from another source (not sure if i'm aloud to post the source)it was fine I think so waiting for my 6 bottles (MC) from you cant wait but I have some questions I will only do 40 mcg per day for a total of 200 mcg per week so does it matter if I go on 5 day on 2 off no pin on off days @ 40 mcg or do 50 mcg on EOD same 200 mcg for the week and with a half life of 20-30 hrs or 72 hrs I just read a min ago EOD shouldn't matter right? also taking TNT 400 MG (tren ant 150 mg/test ant 250) 14 days at the start with M1Ts oh yes I almost forgot I only did 40 Day cycles to a max of 50 Days on igf then equal off do I have to go off will gains stop after 50 days or is that a myth? how long is the life at room temp and fridge temp I read 8-12 months.

I would make sure I did it on the days I work out, i seen my best gains on about 7th week. And I think either protocol you listed is fine, but if it were me i would make sure i took it on the days i worked out.
so after the 7th week did you go on longer or stop? how long till gains stop or receptors are full? and need a break
so after the 7th week did you go on longer or stop? how long till gains stop or receptors are full? and need a break

nah that was my half way point,lol, i still felt the igf working so i stayed on it for like 16 weeks
I I wanted to ask you about another labs quality in your opinion can I post it or pm you? did ask by email but you didn't respond to it.
I dont speak on other companies bro, not good or bad, i just stick to myself and dont say anything about anyone outside this site. So please dont take it as me being rude in not answering you about another company, but ive learned over the years to just keep my mouth shut and worry about my own business, and things i can control. lol