Arthritis pain


New member
Just want to let you know that it's been a month that I've been on IGF and Ligandrol.Ive been feeling better and stronger since I've started.The only side effect that I got from it was the arthritis pain which seems to be normal from what I've read in the forums so I'm not worried being that it's temporary.Its finally going away after about three weeks ,I felt like my left arm was staying behind when I was doing curls but it eventually subsides once you get warmed up.Other than that I can't complain knowing that Muscle Chemistry carries the real thing.
I have RA but if anything MC Igf-Lr3 seems to have helped. Not as much pain as before. IMO
Yeah my knees have serious arthritis pain and i guess it's barometric pressure that sets off the pain real bad just like people say they know or can feel the rain coming or changes in weather

it sucks and igf-1 lr3 has been wonderful for me over the years but it has never helped aleviate any arthritis type pain in my knees
Yeah my knees have serious arthritis pain and i guess it's barometric pressure that sets off the pain real bad just like people say they know or can feel the rain coming or changes in weather

it sucks and igf-1 lr3 has been wonderful for me over the years but it has never helped aleviate any arthritis type pain in my knees
Have you checked into BPC157 along with IGF. I've read some promising things about that combo and arthritis
well this is good to hear, I have never had knee issues in my life, and now for some reason my right one wants to ache while doing legpress and lunges.
For me it has helped my elbows and knees.IGF is better than those chrondiotin/glucosamine pills which takes about 1 month to feel the effects,and they cost about 18.00 to 21.00 dollars,too much.
constant fight against the pain of arthritis and whatever the heck i got in the service. it's body wide pain. it is a constant search for answers as well as relief. i find various things help, but nothing has completely stopped the pain. nsaid's from what i have read, actually make it worse, because even though it may alleviate the pain for now, it also destroys cartilage over the long term.
yep, weather reeks havoc on me, too. i'm thankful for mid summer and dead winter for constant weather. spring and fall suck with it changing so much from day to day. hopeful on the sarms i just started.