Newbie with Anabolics but Veteran in the Strength Game


New member
Hello guys. I'm new to the group and I'm 36 years old. I've been in the strength game since I was 14 and been hard at it every since. I played football in high school and college and also was in the Army. I've never taken anything other than the following supplements: Protein Power, Creatine, BCAAs, Glutamine, Zinc/ZMAs, and Vitamins.....and some occasional Metamucil in case of a backup. Lol. Anyway I wanted to start out VERY SMALL on the "pharma side" of things. Nothing huge but something that would give me the edge. Creative has always been the Gold's standard of all "natural supplements" that gave you the best gains. Would you guys say a good SARM would be the lowest level on the "pharma side"? I don't like needles and I would never wanna do injections yet so the reason I say "lowest level" is because I don't want anything to compromise my liver (since all oral has to pass through the liver). Any advice would be greatly appreciated!