How S4 (Andarine) Works!


Banana Potassium
Hi Mates, looking for S4 as a supplement? Then you must have to know these:

S4 or Andarine is a versatile SARM (Selective Androgen Modulator Receptor).
S4 attaches to the androgen receptors and stimulate the expression of genes associated with muscle and bone growth.
S4 has been proved to be the most successful SARM to sustain lean muscle mass and reducing the fat level at the same time.
Andarine works to stimulate the anabolic activity and thus decrease fat storage of body. But the fat-burning activity of S4 depends on individuals genetics.
Andarine not only works to sustain the lean muscle, it also helps to improve the muscle growth. It works to develop muscle in the same way as steroids, but the additive benefit is it skips the side effects shown by these androgens.
The individuals who are desensitized to their natural Testosterone have shown muscle growth in response to Andarine.
Andarine has also function in treatment ao age-related muscle wasting, end-stage renal disease, osteoporosis, and gynecomastia.

The typical research dose for cutting is 50 mg for a cycle of 6 to 8 weeks. The cycle should include using the product daily for 5 days and then taking 2 days off for the duration.

Good luck :)
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The typical research dose for cutting is 50 mg for a cycle of 6 to 8 weeks. The cycle should include using the product daily for 5 days and then taking 2 days off for the duration.

Though Andarine Increases Muscle Mass but your post saying S4 is very typical while dosing. Thanks for nice sharing.
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Though Andarine Increases Muscle Mass but your post saying S4 is very typical while dosing. Thanks for nice sharing.

You know a lot about Andarine, I think, so I want to know about Andarine side effects from you. Thanks advance!
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You know a lot about Andarine, I think, so I want to know about
Okay Brother, High dosages may result in short-term changes in vision due to a metabolite of S4 binding to vision receptors. Changes go away after the SARM is no longer in the system.Some users have shown very slight suppression when using S4. A short, mini post cycle therapy regiment is required; the recovery time is only 2-3 weeks after completion.
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High dosages may result in short-term changes in vision due to a metabolite of S4 binding to vision receptors.

what do you mean by high dosage? You mean 500mg/day in 200 weeks cycle? :p
Hello guys, this is my first post here :) so far i have lost 40lbs and i am right now at 22% bf i workout 3 times a week and i push myself real hard.
Trying to lose some fat obviously. Do you recommend taking Andarine S4? i never took anything besides the regular CLA fish oils BCCA and whey protein.
