
MuscleChemistry Registered Member

We have all heard of*selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMS), so we know that they are a great legal and safe alternative to steroids. These days, the most commonly used SARMs are*Ostabolic (Ostarine),*Andarine (S-4), and*Anabolicum (LGD). But have you heard of S-23? In this article we will examine this SARM by looking at its uses in bodybuilding, and other more surprising applications.

Fig 1. S-23 SARM chemical structure

Table of Content

Bodybuilding UsesAlternative UsesSide EffectsDosages and CyclesConclusion

Bodybuilding Uses

Developed by GTx, S-23 is an orally active nonsteroidal SARM with a very high binding affinity to androgen receptors. This makes it stronger than other popular SARMS like Ostabolic (mk-2866) or Andarine (S-4). Therefore, the main effects of S-23 are increased muscle mass, decreased fat mass, and a decrease in the size of the prostate.

Additionally, in a*study*done on rats a dose equivalent to 15 milligrams (mg) for a 180lb male was shown to also increase bone mineral density, as well as promote muscle mass growth and fat loss. Hence, S-23 is versatile in that it can be used for bulking and for cutting.

Alternative Uses

A 2009 study performed on rats showed potential for S-23 to be used as a male contraceptive. In this study, six rats were given a dose of 0.1 mg per day for 10 weeks. As a result, both LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) levels decreased. These effects were statistically significant, since four of the six rats had no sperm in the testis. What’s more, none of the rats was able to impregnate a female rat during mating trials. However, this contraceptive effect was temporary – after just 100 days from last dose the infertility was reversed, and there was a 100% pregnancy rate.

Side Effects

The main side effect of S-23 use is the suppression of natural testosterone production. This is what gives it potential as a male contraceptive, and also makes it very different from other SARMS. While ostarine (ostabolic), andarine (s4), and Anabolicum (LGD) may cause a mild shut down, S-23 is extremely suppressive. Consequently, this will be a major factor in deciding whether to use this SARM or opt for the more widespread choices. Unfortunately, there have not been any human studies, so not much is known on other potential side effects.

Dosages and Cycles

Dosages of S-23 can vary, and they will be very dependent on what the goal is. For instance, if a user were looking for muscle building and fat loss, a dose of 15-25 mgs per day would be appropriate. On the other hand, if someone was looking to use it for the contraceptive effects, a higher dose of around 50 mgs per day would be more effective. Nonetheless, this is not recommended because there have not been studies done on humans to replicate the contraceptive effect shown in rats.

Fig 2. S-23 SARM bottle @ SARMS1

In spite of the fact that after 100 days the rats did recover natural testosterone levels, humans would need to run a full*PCT (Post Cycle Therapy). Since S-23 causes severe suppression, I would always recommend the Perfect PCT.


S-23 has many potential benefits that range from muscle building and fat loss, to being a possible male contraceptive. Even though this SARM may seem very intriguing, it is still in a very early stage of development and study. Thus, I would proceed with caution when considering this compound. Keep in mind that there are other SARMS on the market today, such as ostabolic and testolone, which give similar muscle building and fat loss effects and are much more studied. Besides, other SARMS will also cause much less suppression of natural testosterone production, allowing the user to run a considerably milder and shorter PCT. All in all, I would recommend sticking to the tried and true until more research is done on S-23. In simple terms, stay away from this SARM until we know more.
Thanks big guy! Some of your other sarm posts from years back went super traffic viral i suppose you call it lol, not sure if viral is just for videos lmao, but anyhow, thank you for sharing
Male contraceptive Sarm is the part that scares me. i read on another forum about s23 sarm being male birth control and it listed some other side effects that had to do with not getting it up. i thought of course its a male contraceptive if you cant or dont want to fuck. I guess the real test conclusions come when they study s-23 on rabbits