
Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
Ostarine is a SARM like LGD-4033, that binds to the androgen receptor and activates the same genes that test does, including genes that increase protein synthesis and decrease muscle breakdown. The main difference is that SARMs are not steroids, so they don't convert to estrogen or DHT. Ostarine in studies has been shown to increase LBM in as little as 3mg/day. This correlated with a slight decrease in test levels, FSH, LH, and SHBG. Interestingly, a decrease in SHBG is a positive thing, as this allows more of your test to be free(active) vs bound(inactive). HDL(good cholesterol) levels also decreased by an average of 14.7. I would add some type of protectant(niacin and fish oils) to help minimize this. I'm not really sure where the dosing protocols on the forums came from, I've heard anywhere from 20-50mg a day is "needed" for results. I have yet to see a study with those doses. As always, I recommend using the lowest effective dose. You can always increase when it stops working. I personally used Ostarine almost 2 years ago at 12.5mg a day and noticed 6lbs of muscle in 6 weeks and I was happy with that. SARMs do cause suppression so I would use some type of PCT. Be smart and do your research. Ostarine is strong and will definitely add size and strength, just treat it as such and be safe. In the study, women also were given Ostarine and at low doses, it seemed to be relatively safe. I know plenty of women competitors who take this during their offseason/prep. I would definitely keep the doses very low, starting with as little as 5mg a day. <!-- /react-text -->