
Staff member
All we have to do is Beat The Redskins tonight and the Giants Next week! Yeah boy, am i stoked to watch tonights division matchup, Hells yeah!

Stoked duuuuuuuuude
oh now it could be worse they could be the Browns

I was talking to some Browns fans a few weeks ago-they have one of the biggest following but they always lose, everyone wants the underdog to win

you go to the Browns stadium that fucker is always packed everytime-they're doing something right
Some years ago the Browns had a section called the "dog pound". They wore rubber dog masks. Their behavior was so offensive that the city set up a court with a judge there to charge them and fine them right on the spot. The owner, Arthur Modell I think his name was, was so disgusted that he sold the team to people from Baltimore and that is how the Baltimore Ravens came into existence. Then a few years later, a new Browns team was formed.
I can't understand how people can get so crazy over a sports team. It is just a game.
lmao, yeah i remember all that bro! philly has a little court and judge in the stadium for same shit lol, i am pretty sure it came to be after we bombarded santa clause with snow balls one year and cheered Michael Irving getting hurt lmao, Philly is a brutal town and i dont mind guys getting crazy and screaming and yelling, but when you start throwing shit and fighting with other people just cause they have an opposing teams jersey on then you have a serious fucking problem and need to get a life
go to Oakland they'll stab you in front of your kid for wearing the wrong jersey

well consider the source to bro lol, its like little mexico over there lol, those fuckers will stab you just to stab you lmao