Iron Game

Anabolic Steroids and the Bicycle Sport

For an athlete or a sports person to be the best in his/her field, he needs to be in top shape. One of the many ways he/she can ensure they are on top of their game is by using anabolic steroids, to enhance the performance. Anabolic steroids are synthetic testosterone hormones that can be used to increase the strength of a muscle, as well as increase the rate at which protein is synthesized in an athlete’s body.

Testosterone hormones are known to increase the performance of a person because it helps strengthen muscles. Anabolic steroids are good for those who engage themselves in sports, mostly those that require a lot of muscle and strength. Such a sport is the bicycle sport. Individuals who take part in bicycle sports can use anabolic steroids for different purposes. As a cyclist, they need to have well built muscles, which give them the ability to move with much ease. These steroids will help them build muscles that increase their strength as well as their body mass.

The second important benefit of steroids, for a cyclist, is that these steroids enhance their performance, to the level that they can increase their chances of winning a competition. With the muscles giving him the energy he requires, he gains strength to do more than he could have done without the steroids. He gets to move faster and not tire easily, make moves that the body on its own would not have allowed and cycles harder than mere training would have helped him achieve. He will be able to train or cycle much harder and over a long period of time. What these steroids do is that they stimulate a cyclist’s appetite as well as muscle growth, making them look bulky.

However, not only the cyclist performance is enhanced, the sport becomes interesting for the spectators. Most spectators come to watch cyclists compete mostly for the action it entails, the speed involved, the pull of muscles as the cyclists cycle, the abilities each cyclist shows and most important, the stiff competition presented by each cyclist. They will be expecting a spectacular show and, they will get it if they see the competition has gotten hotter.

In cases where a cyclist is suffering from anemia or cancer, anabolic steroids help prevent the cyclists muscles from breaking down, thus he can compete without having to worry about collapsing on the track. Since it is possible to get tissue injuries due to such diseases, anabolic steroids help the cyclist reduce his chances of backing out of the game because of tissue injuries.

Even though most sports have banned the use of anabolic steroids, they still have very many benefits that a cyclist can get from them if used wisely. Steroids if used in few quantities are able to help a cyclist give the best performance he can. In cases where he/she knows he is not able to cycle well, maybe due to diseases, steroids will help him be able to finish the race without causing his body more damage.

F Kyle
Has anyone ever seen the calf development on those cyclists that race in races like the Tour of France? They are huge, bigger than bodybuilders. The rest of their body is very lean. That comes from 10's of thousands of reps peddling. High volume must work!