Anyone ever experience "Tennis Elbow" in BOTH Arms?


Staff member
I have had Tennis Elbow many many times over the years, But I have to say this is the very first time I have ever had it in both Elbows!! They both hurt like Hell, the right slightly more then the left.

Anyone else ever get Tennis Elbow in both elbows at the same damn time? I know there aint shit you can do for them either other then rest rest rest, unless someone here knows of some type of remedy that speeds up recovery?? If so please post it!

:show: ... :drooling: ... :arcade: ....... :crap:
I have had them in both arms before and I sat in my recliner with an ice bag on each elbow and felt stupid as hell when people came over. I just iced them everyday at least once. I don't know if you've ever iced your elbows, but until you get used to the cold, it actually hurts. Other than that, just take 500mg of ibuprofen for the inflammation and then I always put icy hot on my elbows on bench day to prevent anymore of this shit
yeah ice doesnt do shit for them as i have tryed that, plus there not swollen they just fucking ache like Hell
i've had it in both arms years ago, but lately it's only in my right arm.......never again will i do french presses or favorite triceps exercise of all time is bb pullover and presses
yeah ice doesnt do shit for them as i have tryed that, plus there not swollen they just fucking ache like Hell

Well for 3 years I thought I had tennis elbow.... Couldnt do any thing from presses to extensions and sometimes even pulling.. Went and got an MRI and I actually have Triceps Tendonitis.... also multiple tears 3mm in size on my triceps tendon.... All he could do was give me a cortizone shot and its been "ok" but I still have to wear a wrap... Btw i went to an ortho who specializes in High level athletes, NFL, MLB, etc.... Basically what i'm sayin bro is it could be worse... All these years I thought it was lateral epicondylitis (tech term) and it was something else... He was the only guy I could get to MRI it... Most docs were like, "i dont see any reason to give you an MRI, you look fine to me" lol.. Just food for thought.
thats funny i have it bad right now in my right elbow, 600 mg advil 3 times a day, ice before bed and rest is the only fix , if u want 2 lessen the pain, say for work, they make a band that gos on the forearm. It makes ur tendons pull from were ever u place it . It is amazing for pain relief.
I have it right now in both elbows. My left is worse than my right. It hurts sometimes to bad I cannot hold a cup of coffee or even shake hands with someone.
Yep, got it in both right now from going to heavy on skull crushers. My right almost healed but left is still a little tender. Nothing you can do about it but wait for it to heal. I can't do any tricep exercises except for kick backs which it doesn't hurt at all and I will let it heal completely before trying to put some serious weight on it.
thats funny i have it bad right now in my right elbow, 600 mg advil 3 times a day, ice before bed and rest is the only fix , if u want 2 lessen the pain, say for work, they make a band that gos on the forearm. It makes ur tendons pull from were ever u place it . It is amazing for pain relief.

THAT sounds good bro, where did u pick that up ay? any sporting store?
I have it now in the left elbow and the only things thats helps me continue my lifts are a simple elbow band/brace
yep or med stores . they also make them for knee pain 2 it works well there also , man im gettin old , i always hear go big or go home, nobody ever says go big and limp at home, thats my motto
There are devices that I believe called "scanners" they were developed by the Russians to help heal their astronauts. They send magnetic waves into your injured area. It reduces swelling, inflamation and increases blood flow to that area. You have to be trained on how to use them but I bet a chiropractor or someone in your neck of the woods would have one. My cousin is the Chiropracter for the Jazz and he has one and it's crazy how it works. A former Jazz player Matt Harpring could hardly play without getting his knees scanned because of his severe tendinitis.
I've had it in both but never the same time... can't imagine that. Not much to do either, at least not for me besides Ibuprofen. Hadn't heard about the cool Russian astronaut toys when I had it... bummer for me, lol!~

Mainly just gotta ride it out
There are devices that I believe called "scanners" they were developed by the Russians to help heal their astronauts. They send magnetic waves into your injured area. It reduces swelling, inflamation and increases blood flow to that area. You have to be trained on how to use them but I bet a chiropractor or someone in your neck of the woods would have one. My cousin is the Chiropracter for the Jazz and he has one and it's crazy how it works. A former Jazz player Matt Harpring could hardly play without getting his knees scanned because of his severe tendinitis.

Certainly wish I had something like this available to me at all times, I have two bum ass knees as well and ill bet this might help them as well, cause my knees ache like Hell almost always!

Its amazing what Magnatism can do, you think if i rub two magnets on opposite ends of my elbows it will help,lmao or maybe ill tape two magnets to each side of my elbows and see how it goes,lol, seriously though i know they sell alot of magnetic type of things just for joints, so i would imagine their has to be some truth to the power of magnatism and healing
Anyone else here use magnets for this type or any type of injury or healing? Damn inside of my knees are swelled up and aching to the point i'm limping around.

Thankfully I havent had any tennis elbow issues in quite a while
Presser - I have had both elbows jacked up and I have been using DMSO nightly and wear a copper fit sleeve during the day. I also wear a band on my elbow when I lift, but when you take it off be ready for some pain. What is strange is that I have very little pain when I do chest or tris but when I start to work on bi's I am screwed. Cannot do any weight or they feel like the ligaments are tearing off the bone.

Good luck brother and keep us informed.
Hit Bis and Tris last night and the same thing happened. Got a few curls in and then elbow pain was unreal. Tris were not a problem. DMSO last night and wearing my sleeve today. Feels some better.

How are you feeling Presser?
I am mechanic so the twisting of wrist and elbow make it hard to heal. Had it in both at same time more than once. I get on outer side where we used to pig each other in middle school. Turn door knob is good test
I avoid turning dumbbells when curling. Band helps. I got dr Scholls massager and rub away up biceps and down wrist. Mine healed good this lastime I couldn't even grab phone on night table to shut off alarm. I tried osta, lgd, cissis, everything it healed was doing igf next. My arms suffered had it for 2 years off and on 6 months straight once. I now avoid dumbbell presses on bench, flipping them up for incline caused it bad one time.