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Sustanon (C[SUB]19[/SUB]H[SUB]28[/SUB]O), or Sustanon-250, is a blend of four different types of testosterone. Athletes prefer it because of the incredibly long Sustanon half-life that results from the careful blending. It requires infrequent dosing but provides outstanding strength and stamina, impressive gains, and an adequate way to maintain testosterone levels throughout anabolic steroid cycles.
Sustanon Profile: What Is Sustanon?

The Sustanon steroid is a blend of four long-estered forms of testosterone: testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate, testosterone propionate, and testosterone decanoate. Because of the long half-life of approximately three weeks, it is ideal for bulking and increasing strength without daily dosing. It is anabolic and androgenic in nature, so it produces fantastic Sustanon results along with only a few side effects. You can buy Sustanon 250 pills, but many men stick to injections due to cost effectiveness.
Although you will find Sustanon 250 for sale most commonly, you can also find Sustanon 270, Sustanon 300, Sustanon 350, and even Sustanon 500 online and elsewhere. For the most part, injectable Sustanon 250 is the most convenient choice as you can lower and/or increase your dose as needed with careful measurement. Although it is more expensive than many other forms of testosterone, Sustanon reviews are positive with people noticing increases in strength after the first dose and increases in size in just two weeks.
Sustanon Dosage and Warnings

Sustanon 250 dosage varies based on your individual tolerance and your desired results. The acceptable dose range starts at 250mg per week and tops out at 1000mg per week. As long as you start out on the low end of the scale, work your way up, and pay attention to your body’s cues, you can experiment with this dose range until you find the amount that is best for you. Although you might find bodybuilders on steroid forums recommending doses in excess of 1000mg per week, bear in mind that no evidence exists to suggest that more than 1000mg provides any further performance enhancement. Evidence does prove that the likelihood of side effects rises exponentially beyond this dose, however.
These statements should not replace advice or information from your physician or healthcare team. If you are taking testosterone for a legitimate medical purpose, you should never switch testosterone types or take a higher dosage. What’s more, certain people should not use this product. Do not take test Sustanon if you:

  • Are a woman
  • Have any kind of prostate trouble, including tumors
  • Are allergic to any of the ingredients in the compound
  • Are allergic to soy or peanuts
  • Are especially sensitive to hormonal changes
Sustanon Side Effects

Sustanon 250 side effects vary based on your individual tolerance, dose amount, and cycle lengths. Men who use a Sustanon only cycle (along with required supplements) notice fewer side effects than those who stack Sustanon with potent anabolic steroids. Some of the most commonly reported side effects include headache, oily skin, and new or increased acne. Other side effects fall into certain categories:

  • Estrogenic Side Effects: Free testosterone converts to estrogen in your blood, and too much estrogen causes its own set of side effects. One of the most common is water retention, or bloating, which leads to high blood pressure due to increased fluid in the body if you do not counteract it. You may also experience gynecomastia, or the development of breast tissue over time, if you do not prevent the conversion process from occurring. Using an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex or Clomid stops these side effects in their tracks.
  • Androgenic Side Effects: All forms of testosterone are androgenic, and they may cause things like accelerated male pattern baldness, excessive body hair growth, and mood swings. Fortunately, side effects like these are less significant in men who have no genetic predisposition for them. If you have mood issues or are dealing with male pattern baldness, testosterone may worsen it. Finally, prostate enlargement can occur, so be certain to limit your doses and cycle lengths. Pay attention to your urine frequency, and if it seems as if emptying your bladder becomes difficult or painful, stop using Sustanon steroids.
Sustanon Stack Options

Many men prefer a good Sustanon 250 stack to a Sustanon only cycle as it provides better results, but mitigating side effects is important. One of the most popular stacks is Deca Durabolin, a potent bulking agent that can add up to 30 pounds of sheer muscle in a single cycle. Another is Trenbolone, and while you will not experience the same gains as you would with Deca, the gains are of high quality and tend to last through cutting cycles.
You should always stack an aromatase inhibitor with Sustanon 250 in order to prevent estrogen conversion. If you are prone to high blood pressure, or if you experience much water weight gain, you may also need a diuretic (some are available over the counter) and an anti-hypertensive (a prescription medication) to regulate your blood pressure during your cycle.
Sustanon Cycle Types and Lengths

As previously mentioned, a Sustanon Deca cycle is probably the most potent there is. It offers you some of the biggest gains out there, but you need to use it with caution. A common example is a 10-week cycle with Deca Durabolin at 200mg and Sustanon 250 at 500mg per week. Another is a 12-week cycle with Sustanon 250 at 500mg/week and Trenbolone at 600mg/week.
If you are new to anabolic steroids and performance enhancement, you should always run a pure Sustanon 250 cycle first. Not all men tolerate testosterone/steroids well, and what works for one person may not work for another. For this reason, you should use the testosterone alone for the first cycle to determine your tolerance. This way, if you end up experiencing side effects, you can more easily pinpoint the cause.
Sustanon and Post Cycle Therapy

Synthetic testosterone suppresses your body’s ability to create testosterone on its own. Because of this, if you simply stop taking it and do not use any kind of post-cycle therapy, you put undue stress on your body and may cause serious adverse effects. If you will stay off of steroids and supplements for at least 12 weeks, PCT is a requirement. Otherwise, it may take your body a year or more to produce ample amounts of testosterone.
Sustanon is unique in that it is a blend of short- and long-estered forms of testosterone, all of which have different half-lives. You need to wait until the last of the synthetic testosterone has left your system to start your PCT, and in this case, it takes about 10 days. You will always need Clomid or Nolvadex, which are estrogen blockers that help stimulate your testicles to start producing testosterone. You may choose to use hCG, but in a Sustanon-only cycle, it is not necessary. Beginning 10 days after your last dose of Sustanon, take 150mg of Clomid or 40mg of Nolvadex every day for the first two weeks, then cut the dose in half and continue for another two weeks.
Is Sustanon Legal?

Like most forms of testosterone in the US and North America, it is only legal to buy Sustanon with a prescription from your doctor. Due to its long-estered formula, many physicians actually prefer it to other versions of the hormone because it requires fewer office visits and more convenience. As such, it is often easier to find this product in the underground market simply because it is widely available. On the other hand, the purchase, possession, and use of Sustanon are illegal without a prescription. Before you start looking for Sustanon for sale, make sure you understand the potential legal implications.
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the average Sustanon 250 gains?

Sustanon 250 results vary based on your reaction to testosterone, your dose size, your cycle length, and even your stack choice. As an example, a Sustanon-only cycle may produce a 10- to 15-pound gain in 12 weeks. Conversely, you may gain up to 30 pounds in a 12-week Sustanon Deca cycle. Bear in mind that you can also use low doses during a cutting cycle for testosterone maintenance and not experience any Sustanon gains at all.
Can you tell me where to buy Sustanon 250 for sale?

If you have a valid prescription from your doctor, you can find Sustanon 250 for sale at almost any major pharmacy. If you do not, your options are limited and may come with legal consequences. Many people buy Sustanon online and have it shipped to their homes discreetly; others seek underground merchants who sell prescriptions. Bear in mind that, like many underground operations, there is no regulation. As such, there is no guarantee that you will get the promised concentration – or even the promised ingredients, for that matter.
What about PCT? Is this a viable choice?

Post cycle therapy is a vital part of any steroid cycle, and Sustanon 250 PCT is an incredibly popular choice. It requires infrequent dosing, but it helps ward off the side effects associated with a sudden absence of steroids and testosterone. For best results, use a dose of at least 350mg to 400mg a week at first, then taper downward over the course of two to four weeks. Doing so gradually allows your body to start producing testosterone on its own once again.
What is Sustanon flu?

Some people who use Sustanon 250 develop flu-like symptoms, which include aches and pains, fever, and chills. For some men, these symptoms subside after just a few days, and over-the-counter medications like Tylenol help to keep the frustration at bay. For others, the symptoms persist throughout the cycle. Many people say that in this case, it may be best to try a different type of testosterone; one that is not blended may be tolerable.
Should I buy Sustanon 250 injection or pills?

This is completely a personal decision. Bear in mind that injectable Sustanon requires a supply of fresh syringes and dosing about once every 10 days. When you use a higher, infrequent dose, the odds of Sustanon flu increase. On the other hand, you can take Sustanon 250 pills twice per week in order to maintain the right levels of hormone in your body at all times, and limiting the fluctuation of hormone levels may help decrease the likelihood of flu symptoms.
If you want to try a testosterone bulking cycle, or even if you just want a great way to maintain your normal testosterone levels during an anabolic steroid cycle, then buy Sustanon 250 and experience a potent blend of four different esters that provides you with incredible results and convenience.
"With a valid prescription you can buy sustanon at any major pharmacy." Hmnn, I am not sure about this. Has anyone ever tried it? Sustanon used to be made by Organon. Around 2010, Merck bought Organon. They sold off their hormone business to a company called OBS. They bought the whole plant in Karachi, Pakistan. So now OBS makes sustanon and deca durabolin. I don't think their are any doctors in the US that will write a prescription for a drug made by a small pharma in a foreign country. Especially one like Pakistan. The way they prescribe a HRT is by writing a script for Androgel or the inj. testosterone cypionate.
I have used deca durabolin by OBS and it is the same high quality as when made by Organon. The ampules are the same , just a different name on them.
Not sure the article was written in the states. So it may be legal in other countries. I am not sure.
This article is wrong . Sustanon require frequent dosing and does not have 4 long esters it has two long esters and two short esters its meant too come on fast and build up over time . the phenyl prop and propionate esters are very short and require you too dose every 3 days min or be on a roller coaster hormonaly

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I've asked my doc about prescribing other esters, but I was told no, the only one they will prescribe is cypionate. This is at least where I live. Other docs who are more open have prescribed enanthate, but I've never heard of anyone prescribing sustanon. The only other AAS I've heard of being prescribed is Deca, and that's only to given to HIV+ men.
And I love sustanon. I usually make that a staple of my cycles since I normally already have test cyp for TRT.