I need help and advise


New member
Hello guys,
I have been prescribed cyponate by my doc. I prefer prop but that's not an option. I know and can feel that I need to add another test to the cyponate. The cyponate makes me gain weight in a bad way I don't know why. Doc said it's fine. I want to loose weight. What test should one take to loose weight?
Hello guys,
I have been prescribed cyponate by my doc. I prefer prop but that's not an option. I know and can feel that I need to add another test to the cyponate. The cyponate makes me gain weight in a bad way I don't know why. Doc said it's fine. I want to loose weight. What test should one take to loose weight?

testosterone is testosterone really brutha, yes propionate generally is associated with less water retention, but the kind of weight your talking about losing is body fat, and no testosterone is better than the other for this in my opinion, as its all about diet and type of training you do. So, I would change diet, and maybe try adding more volume to your sets.

How often is your doctor testing your levels? You could still add the propionate to the mix if you feel as though your not getting enough testosterone in you.
My doc checks my levels every 4 months. I lost a testicle due to torsion that's why he prescribed it. Started at 113 now it's 313 he said it's fine but I don't feel like I used to. I did some research and it seems that "normal" is 250-950. I was just wondering if adding winny would be good or bad idea. I will probably add the prop just to bring my levels up a bit. I will also change my diet to be more lean that can't hurt 1 bit. I will take your advice and some volume to my sets
I would add more test rather than adding winny. If you like prop and every day or every other day injections then get you some prop. Prop at 100 EOD should get you right and get those levels up to the top of that range. Like Presser said Test it Test and if you want to feel better then you should add more test. If you want to burn fat then I would also order clenbuterol when you order your test p. That with test, a clean diet and cardio will help you big time.
First off there is a difference in TRT and doing a cycle, and no doctor is going to put you on a "cycle/high dose of test" , if you up your test, you might as well say I want to do a cycle of steroids, there is no way around this. When your doctor sees your levels rise up, all he is going to do is pull back on what he is giving you.
My doc checks my levels every 4 months. I lost a testicle due to torsion that's why he prescribed it. Started at 113 now it's 313 he said it's fine but I don't feel like I used to. I did some research and it seems that "normal" is 250-950. I was just wondering if adding winny would be good or bad idea. I will probably add the prop just to bring my levels up a bit. I will also change my diet to be more lean that can't hurt 1 bit. I will take your advice and some volume to my sets

313 is still way too low. If your doc won't raise your dosage, get another doctor. Consider the point at when your testosterone was tested. When did you take your shot relative to the blood draw? If the 313 was at the peak, 1-2 days after the shot, that means that in 7 days, the level will drop BELOW the lower limit given the half-life of 7 days of testosterone cypionate--313 will halve to about 155 so it would be no wonder you still feel awful. Ideally, the peak should go up to around 900-1000 so that in 7 days your bottom value is still within range. Doctors that don't understand testosterone (cyp) and the ester's half-life focus only on the peak value being right in the middle and forget that the half-life will bring the value down below where you want to be. Doctors that DO understand will prescribe cyp properly or even prescribe testosterone propionate so that blood levels are more constant.
313 is still within the normal range, most doctors hesitate to up the dosage when you are technically within the normal range. Wait until day 7 to get your blood done. Tell the doc it has been 1-2 days. If you are down at 200 or lower he will up the dosage.................You can use prop much easier to manipulate where your T levels come in when you get blood work done; if you choose to add something to your mix.

BTW welcome aboard!