

New member
Does anyone have any experience with this? The pics in their ads make the stuff look awesome (of course!). It shows a guy going from bloated to ripped in 3 days. Should this be used in place of a diuretic or with one? I'm not going to be taking anything like Lasix, only one of those over the counter herbal ones chicks use for their periods. Thanks.
it works

It does work. It is a combo of natural diuretics like dandilion root and a few others. It will pull the water off but you need to keep water in so it can work! I use dandelion prior to other trixs to get the process started,,,,he he
for daddy

wed- tarax am and pm
thur same
friday same
sat same
sun same
mon drop tarax add in aldact in am/pm throughout week
this is in conjuction with high water intake then droping out starting the wed week of show
wow, you start the aldactone pretty early. Since that's a pretty mild diuretic, do you hit the stronger ones like diazide or lasix 2-3 days out?

You need to start aldactone EARLy because of how thaey work in system . very mild and easy! the last 36 hours if needed ill stomp in the hard diruetic. i used this way for jr's and usa.