
New member
I was 196lb this morning cut all sodium out card loading on white potatoes today. Will i lose some more weight with sodium gone? I want to make light heavys.
I'm glad things are going well for you

I'm still a couple of pounds over the middleweight mark, but I know I'll squeeze in RIGHT at the top.

I'm in the same boat with you.
A thought

I think that you will lose more from the Friday night water drop than from the sodium drop. The sodium drop has more of an impact on where your body "keeps" it's water than how much water. Keep water intake high until you drop and then you should piss away another pound or two of weight by morning, or really within a few hours of stopping water intake.
You stated that you wanted to make the light heavies and said that your weight was already 196 before carb loading. The cut off for lightheavies is 198 and some change. There is NO WAY you are going to gain weight on the carb load if this is what you are thinking or worrying about. The loss of water will ALWAYS offset (and then some) the added carbs/glycogen.

You will be fine for the lightheavies. You would have to go out of your way to phuk it up at this point to not make the cutoff.

YOU sure bout the wt. skip, I thought for sure that light heavies in a NPC show was 194.25.....hmmm lemme look really quick