#$%&*!@ Shingles


New member
Bro's have been doing a little cutter for a Mex vacation next week.Things were going great, doing the standard prop/winnie/tren combo, but added IGF two weeks ago.Shoot, I do not know if this may have triggered things or if it is simply that I have kept myself under about 8%bf for the past two years - perhaps its just the 41 year old body saying enough, back off for a bit.

Told my story before, but briefly - came down from 297lbs to 190lbs over about 5 months, two years ago.Have stayed in the 215 to 225 range since then, with a strict low carb diet, and too much cardio!Was measured yesterday (7 Point calipers) and came out at 6.1% at 215lbs, had hoped to break 6% but have had hassles with sinuses etc which threw things out about a month ago.Seems like when my carbs are too low, for too long I run into crap.Only one more day to go, and I will shitload.

So frustrating, and hardly any point as the damn shingles look so bad across my flank and back that even the paid ladies will go running when they see me coming.I can really empathise with the guys that have run into these sort of hassles prior to a competition (Usman, Skip et al), being so dedicated for months and then blown out of the water by bad luck.

Anyway bro's, written more than I planned.My question I guess, is this from the IGF (it is the only unknown variable in the mix), or simply pushing too hard for too long without a break?

Skip, will shoot you a PM - still planning to compete in July, so please keep my slot bro!
I was wondering where the hell you have been! lol

I am TERRIBLY sorry to hear of your dilemma, bro. It is simply the worst phuking thing I have experienced and continue to experience. I have YET to get rid of the nerve pain in my back. It simply is NOT getting better and it has been almost 5 months. I wish you the very best.

In my opinion, my situation was simply from the effort - not directly the gear or anything I was taking. HOWEVER, I cannot rule out the fact that the gear may have made it harder on me by lowering my immune system. It is really a tough call because I NEVER get sick unless it is after a show and I had been 'on' for almost 3 years. If it were just the gear, I would not have only gotten sick after my last 2 shows. In your case, it seems that it might be the same thing - too much stress for your body to handle in CONJUNCTION with the immune system being supressed by the gear. I don't think the IGF would play a part but I can't know for sure.

As much as I love competing, if this happens next year after another show and after all the precautions I plan to take, I tell you I will NEVER compete again and I mean this. Unless you have had the shingles, and a BAD case at that, you cannot understand how truly unbearable it really is. There were days that I SWEAR that I was ready to throw my head in my hands and ball my eyes out. I still get so frustrated that I want to throw and break things (but I don't).

My very best to you, brian, and keep me posted.

Not sure what you boys are talking about, but shingles isn't something that you get from IGF or gear or anything, as I am sure you know. If you will allow me to quote from the National Institute of Allergy and infectious diseases:

"Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. After an attack of chickenpox, the virus lies dormant in the nerve tissue. As we get older, it is possible for the virus to reappear in the form of shingles. Shingles is estimated to affect 2 in every 10 persons in their lifetime. This year, more than 500,000 people will develop shingles. Fortunately, there is currently research being done to find a vaccine to prevent the disease."

If you can give me more informaition about what is the problem, I believe I can help.

PS: Incidentally, is there a way that I can get notified of any new submissions to threads I have participated in? I am sure there is. I can't ever remember which threads I have commented on as I forget which ones I just read and which ones I answered... :confused:
No, if you think about it, steroids cause immunosuppression, so actually, anyone ON steroids might be prone to get chickenpox from anyone with an active case of shingles (if they haven't gotten chickenpox yet that is). You cannot get shingles from anyone with shingles - shingles is caused by the re-activation of the dormant virus in the body. Main treatments for shingles would be anti-viral agents and/or NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Actually, there are a couple of pretty good meds for shingles out there, with a very good patient response. I haven't started explaining on these yet because I am not sure what Skip and bigbrian58 here are on about.