Calculation Help


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Ever use a calculation where you take lean body mass x (a number) to figure out calorie intake? What numbers do you think is best for weight lost and weight gain? I am working on a excel spreedsheet that will do some basic nutrition calculations.


Try this:

1) bodyweight x 0.65 x 24 hours= maintainence calorie level

2) add cardio or adjust cals but not both at same time.

3) if reducing cals, start at 500 then increments of 250 per week or 500 every other week.
Your PM is full better clean it out!
I am not sure but typically these charts go by LBM. Personally that is what I would use anyway as the active tissue is what you want to provide for anyway.
calculation for calories

Calculations must first be done for what your body needs just running. It's called a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). After you calculate this number you have to multiply it by your exercise multiple, or a level of exercise you are taxing your body with.
To calculate BMR for a man use this equation:
1lb=2.2kg 1inch=2.54cm
BMR= 66 + (13.7 * weight in Kilograms) + (5 * height in cm) – (6.8 * age in years)
Pick one of these multiples that fits your exercise intensity and multiply it by your BMR:
1.2=little or no exercise, 1.375=light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week, 1.55=moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week, 1.725=hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week, 1.9=very hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training.
This is how many calories you need to maintain the weight you're at. Want to lose weight? Subtract 500 calories/day. Want to add weight? Add 500 calories per day.
Have u ever seen the numbers John Berardi reccomends? its pretty damn high. i did mine today cause i was bored, by Eating for Mass calculation, i should be eating 6,050 cals per day!! And im only 225!!! just 40% protein was like 650grams!! if ur curious, it is at in the nutrition articles.
calculation for calories

No I have not used that calculation but I'll check it out. At 225lbs you will not use all that protein. Unlike carbs. and fats, your body will not store protein. There should be a steady stream of protein throughout your balanced diet. However, there are 2 key times for mass gain that you must eat protein.
First you should eat an easily digestible protein about 1.5 hours prior to intense training. This will guarantee that you don't go catabolic while training. Second, at least 1 hour post training. This should be a larger protein portion and should be a combination of quickly assimilated and slow release protein. You should take this protein with a very high glycimic carb. This will spike your insulin levels allowing that quick protein to reach the muscles fast.
During bulking phases of my own training I would wake up in the middle of the night and eat my post workout meal again. I started doing this in 1990. Recently Cutler described his own mass diet and did exactly this regimen. So... I think it works and so does he! Look at the size of the guy.
You also have to understand that protein breakdown produces a waste product called Urea. This is filtered and excreted by the kidneys (see BUN on your B/W). Eating too much protein will put a strain on the kidneys.