Cardio Zone


New member
Focus on keeping a steady pace that allows you to breathe easily and carry on a conversation.

Beginners: Modify according to your fitness level. Add a few minutes to your workouts each week to progress.
The RPE's (Rate of Perceived Exertion) are to help you keep track of your intensity on a scale of 1 - 10. In this workout, stay slightly above your comfort level and choose a pace you can maintain for the length of the workout.
If you can't talk or feel dizzy, stop!
You can also use a Target Heart Rate Calculator to monitor your exercise intensity.
Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program

Endurance Workout
5 minutes RPE 3-4 - Warm Up
5 minutes: RPE 5 - Increase speed from warm up slightly
5 minutes: RPE 6 - Increase speed again and increase incline or resistance (if an option) 1-2%
5 minutes: RPE 5-6 - Maintain speed and decrease incline/resistance to 0
5 minutes: RPE 6 - Increase speed again and incline/resistance to 1-2%
5 minute: RPE 5-6 - Maintain speed and decrease incline/resistance to 0
5 minutes: RPE 3-4 - Decrease speed to cool down
Total Workout Time 35 Minutes

*This workout can be done using any cardio machine or outside. If you walk, run or cycle outside, simply maintain a steady pace for as long as you can, increasing intensity slightly every five minutes until cool down.
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