Iron Game

By L. Steven
In over 10 years of bodybuilding and training, I have yet to find a more productive, beginner or intermediate level workout. This simple schedule gives you a full 6-week, no-brainer regimen designed to build strength and muscle mass. Because it combines heavy, medium and light days, it helps prevent over training and protect you from hitting a plateau; and you can use over and over as a continuous workout cycle. Furthermore, I really like the fact that you only have one “heavy” day per body part over the full 6-week period. However, by no means should ”light day” be translated to “easy day.”
It is very important to include cardio at least 3 days per week, separate from your workout if you can. If you can’t do it separately, I recommend that you do it immediately following your workout. Then, I always set aside one day in the rotation for Cardio Only. Cardio should only be a 20 to 25 minute, “interval style” session. For beginners, I recommend going 3 minutes at 60% of your capacity and 1 minute at 80-90%. More advanced athletes can move to a 2/2 or even a 1/3 ratio. I have no specific preference on the type of cardio done, but it needs to be changed up often; at least every 6 weeks.


5 Day, 6 Week Continuous Rotation
L=Light, M=Medium, & H=Heavy Pyramids

Exercise Details:
- Never more than 2 minutes rest between sets. Never more than 3 minutes between exercises.
- Always warm up, always stretch, before and after. Stretching is very important for muscle breakdown and recovery!
- Form is everything. Don’t push more weight than you can handle with perfect form.

Heavy Days = 4 sets, 6-8 reps per exercise, explosive but under control
Medium Days = 4 sets, 10-12 reps per exercise, slow, controlled movements
Light Days = 4 sets, 12-16 reps per exercise, very slow, controlled movements

- Flat Bench Press
- Incline dumbbell
- Cable flys
- Dips
- Dumbbell pullovers (optional)

- Cable pushdowns
- Dumbbell Kickbacks
- Skull crushers
- Close grip bench press (optional)

- Squats or leg press
- Hamstring curls (one leg at a time)
- Leg extensions
- Calf press
- Deadlift

- Bent over rows
- Power cleans (optional)
- Lat pulldown
- Shrugs

- Standing straight bar curl
- Dumbbell curl
- Cable curl (one arm at a time)

- Seated military press
- Front dumbbell raises
- Side dumbbell raises
- Upright rows

Pyometrics (always do 4 sets of 15-20)
- Tuck, high jump
- Pushups
- Medicine ball drop, catch and toss back up
- Lunges

Now, keep in mind that this workout is very effective, even for intermediate and advanced athletes. But without a fairly strict diet and basic supplement regimen, any program will only produce limited results.
Diet Basics:
For this type of workout regimen, I highly recommend focusing on a diet that is 58% carbs, 24 % protein, and 18% fat. The carbs should be low in sugar and high in fiber. The protein should be a good combination of all protein sources with a slight emphasis on whey protein. The fats should be of the “good” variety… you’d find these in fish oils, nuts, seeds, and flaxseed. Anything fried or “buttery” would typically be considered a “bad” fat.

Supplement Basics:
Real muscle growth happens during the recovery phase. So, I like to focus my supplement regimen toward anabolic recovery as well. Here it is, in simple terms: Approximately 30 minutes before your workout you should supplement a good creatine product. This will ensure your creatine stores are available for your muscles during your workout and help prevent muscle fatigue after the workout. Then, immediately following your workout, supplement with an amino acid based recovery product… there are a lot to chose from! Then, about 30 minutes following your workout, eat a high protein meal or take a protein based meal replacement. Finally, I always recommend a ZMA product taken before bed.

You can read a more in-depth analysis about my diet and supplement recommendations in up coming articles. This is a tried and true regimen that has worked for hundreds of my own clients. And it will work for you too!
Yours truly,
L. Steven