best way to use Primo with equipoise


New member
I’m looking to do a mild stack but something that I can stack together and not have to worry about too many estrogen issues
this is why I wanted to do primo and equipoise for 12 weeks together
what do you think about stacking 400 mg of each and then playing it by ear and maybe increasing the dose 6 weeks into the cycle?
I’m currently 28 years old and this is my second cycle I’m 158 lbs and 5’6”
I’m looking to do a mild stack but something that I can stack together and not have to worry about too many estrogen issues
this is why I wanted to do primo and equipoise for 12 weeks together
what do you think about stacking 400 mg of each and then playing it by ear and maybe increasing the dose 6 weeks into the cycle?
I’m currently 28 years old and this is my second cycle I’m 158 lbs and 5’6”
primo with eq you should go with 200mgs each not start
but you need a higher test base like 300mgs of test and see how that plays
for E2 you need some aromasin
and organ liver support like n2guard
at the end of the day all steroids are very serious hormones and you'll get good results at 12 weeks
primo with eq you should go with 200mgs each not start
but you need a higher test base like 300mgs of test and see how that plays
for E2 you need some aromasin
and organ liver support like n2guard
Wasn't true even when people thought is was
its only your second cycle and you already want to stack 3 compounds.. thats too much and completely unnecessary... go with test and primo and if you want something else, look at a sarm like s4 or acp105
I don't see the point of running 2 mild compounds like that. I would go with either EQ or Primo and run it with a lower dose of test. That will still keep the sides down. You don't need a lot of test. Like 200-300g is plenty.
I’m looking to do a mild stack but something that I can stack together and not have to worry about too many estrogen issues
this is why I wanted to do primo and equipoise for 12 weeks together
what do you think about stacking 400 mg of each and then playing it by ear and maybe increasing the dose 6 weeks into the cycle?
I’m currently 28 years old and this is my second cycle I’m 158 lbs and 5’6”
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