I'm starting my MC IGF tmr. Day off from gym today. I have been using another brand for the past year and am so excited to try MCs. Thought I would post it here in case any ladies want to chime in or any ladies were interested in giving it a try. I will tell you that my biggest lagging bodypart when I started using it was my calves. They are no longer lagging and I know the IGF made a differece because I always trained the crap out of them with minimal and slow results. I use 20mcgs total, 10mcgs per body part trained. I use it after I train. Here is an example of how I do it.
Leg Day, 10mcgs each calf
Back, 10mcgs each bicep
Shoulders 10mcgs each shoulder
Chest, 10mcgs each tricep
Arms, 10mcgs each bicep
I don't usually hit my quads, but I hit my bis twice a week I think I need a tad more size there. I will say though hitting the biceps are my absolute LEAST favorite. I know that I heal a lot quicker using IGF, even with rigorous training, especially precontest.
Leg Day, 10mcgs each calf
Back, 10mcgs each bicep
Shoulders 10mcgs each shoulder
Chest, 10mcgs each tricep
Arms, 10mcgs each bicep
I don't usually hit my quads, but I hit my bis twice a week I think I need a tad more size there. I will say though hitting the biceps are my absolute LEAST favorite. I know that I heal a lot quicker using IGF, even with rigorous training, especially precontest.