proviron powder and steroid powder processing


New member
i got some proviron powder, now since im planning to take it oraly do i have to process it in any way before taking it ....also do i have to process any other steroid powder that can be taken oraly
most powder suppliers say you can just weigh it out and take it with a protein shake / drink or whatever but processing it into a product of it's own where you know the dosage, in my opinion, is much easier on a day to day basis. who wants to play with scales everyday.
yeah, it would work but I think there may be some other ways that suit your needs outlined in some of the threads in the Lab Conversions forum on this site. good luck.
just to add, you will probably have to cut your product to add volume to fill caps if you go that route. in my opinion, it's not the easiest method but keep us posted on how it goes if you stay the cap course. i don't think many people have gone this way, including myself, and would be interested in how you went about it and how your end product turned out.
what do u guys think would be the best, substance to cut it with and oh and u mentioned above that this might not be the easieast method what do u think is the easyest method..
although I have never done it myself, I think the easiest method would be putting the powder into a liquid suspension.
.....bump, get a good solvent, PG Peg-400 etc and make a solution. Capping is just too much of a hassle.
i agree with the liquid suspension posts. check out the lab conversion section of this site and it will give you a good starting point on how to go about it. if additional info is needed, just ask. that's what makes this board strong.
the thing is i have never heard of anyone injecting proviron before, im gonna go wid the capsules i got a sclale and evrything shudent take me more then a few hours to do, im jus not sure what to cut it with do u think if i cut with sugar that its gonna effect the proviron in anyway
You dont inject the liquid provion, you swallow it. :rolleyes: I have never cut anything and capped it, although I would be intrested. It is allot more convinient to take around some caps then a vial and syringe, plus people look at you funny when you take them out and swallow some liquidex.
ya man for sure it would be easier thats what i was thinking, by the was have u ever made the liqudex stuff and how would u make it
Use the powder calc to get the conctration you want, add the powder to the recomended volume of PG and shake.......your done.