Hitting your glutes


As time and size pile on, your glutes become harder and harder to reach.

I'd like to share with you all a very easy way of hitting them.

First off, you need to know where you're supposed to hit. It's higher than most people are aware. It's the meat that you can see off to the side, if you put your hands on your hip, it's likely where your thumbs are resting (maybe an inch lower of so).

What you do is sit down, I do mine on the toilet seat. It's got no cloth so no blood stains. Have your syringe go in the spot. Hold it like you would your car keys. It may take a bit of practice but you'll get good at aspirating with your pinky and palm. Just push in oil when ready with that pinky.

This requires almost NO bending or reaching on your behalf. When I learned this method, I found it much easier than laying face down on my bed and twisting my body as far as I could go around.

As it sure beats having to ask your old lady to shoot you, lol.
I just reach back there clean most of the area and then stick. I don't really pay attention. I used stand sideways to look in the mirror, but I don't anymore. I can feel when the gear is all out and I wait a sec or two and then yank that sucker out, swab with a fresh cotton ball w\alcohol to make sure its not bleeding and pull up my drawers.
I hate hitting glutes....gets harder and harder each cycle. May have to try that technique when I aint got the ol lady around to help :)
Glutes are tough, legs kick my ass. Do me a favor, change your workout around every 2-3months and push. I myself hate legs but I walk around like a paulsy after every workout because they are intense. I recommend, start with leg press, start with 10 intense presses, go to 8, 6 then 4. WHen you hit 4 reps it should be your most max. Push the life out of you. Then take a brief rest and go to squats. Start rather high, your legs will already be warmed up. Try smith or free, no other machine besides smith. For more cut free because your legs work stabalizers. Start 8, 8, 6 then 4. Then do 2 calf exerzizes try 4 reps 15, 12, 10 then 8 reps and then another variant 8,6,6 then 4 reps. This should be good. Change it up after a few months, start with a heavier squat and lesser press, try some leg machines for only a week. The decline quad extensions can actually hurt your kness. And stay away from those girly leg spreaders and butt extentions, you'll feel cool racking the thing but that is all!
Errr...yeah. I think he meant _injecting_ the glutes. Sounds like a killer workout though.
that reminds me. there is a real easy way to get the perfect spot to inj. take your hand, fold in all of your fingers except for your pinky and thumb. pull your shorts down. put your thumb on the front of your hip bone with your pinky facing back. with your thumb on your hip strech your hand out so your pinky touches your ass. where your pinky is is the perfect place to hit. just a little trick i use all the time. you always get the right spot.
I gave up on hitting glutes for the most part when i'm bulking b/c there are to many other spots that are just easier but i'll give it a go and see