Training programs...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I don't know what program it was, but I trained with my regular training partner yesterday and he's been doing a different style of training so I decided to do it with him. I normally just train one body part a day and this was basically a ehole body workout. Here's what we did, I can't remember the reps we did, but these were the exercises

Incline barbell presses
Upright rows
Side laterals
Hammer curls
Concentration curls

I'm sore as hell today and will find out what this program is because I liked it although it kicked my ass. It was basically a lot of 12, 10, 8 rep sets with drop sets. I think just switching it up is what caused me to be so sore as well as the higher volume, but does this look familiar to anyone? I've never been big on programs
Yeah, Prob not the weight or reps but just different exercises that your body isnt used to doing in that order, I like throwing in drop sets at least once a month, and also doing chest and back on the same day. Anything to get your body out of its normal routine, and also a negative day load up about 30% more weight to your max and just do negatives, 3-4 reps 4 sets, great for chest day, but def need a spotter. Try a 5 second drop, slow controlled.
I have found that any time I have trained with a partner doing HIS routine (rare for me), rather than my normal routine, I end up sore the next day. Probably due to muscle confusion.
I have found that any time I have trained with a partner doing HIS routine (rare for me), rather than my normal routine, I end up sore the next day. Probably due to muscle confusion.

Yea that's what I've noticed in the past too. This is my regular training partner, but every August-January I switch gyms because my schedule at work changes and I need to go in earlier than our gym opens