Iron Game


In this post I will talk about the hottest steroid on the market right now, and that is ANAVAR. Anavar never used to be popular due to it’s availability and high cost, but more recently it’s become readily available and has dropped in price a good bit.

The stuff used to sell for $1-$2 a tab for a 5mg tab, but now you can find it for about half that cost, and often times they’re available in 10mg, 20mg, and even 50mg tabs.
Anavar is probably more popular now because of fat loss customers and females.
Females love anavar, I saw a girl transform her body off 10mg/day of anavar for 6 weeks. This girl lost about 20 lbs, was tight, and just looked amazing from 10mg/day of anavar. No side effects, no enlarged clit, no voice issues, nothing!! Just a nice look and tight muscles.
For females 10mg/day is all that is needed. For males I’d say 30mg/day is the starting point, but the real results start happening around 60mg/day. It’s really no different than any other steroid in terms of mg’s to results. Think about it, 60 mg/day x 7 days/wk is 420mg/wk total. It’s no different than 200mg/wk of test vs 600mg/wk, the more total mg’s yields more results (to a point).
Anavar stacks well with almost anything, but I’ve found it to be better with dieting. The beauty of it besides giving me a hard and defined look, is it helps me stay stronger on a caloric restriction.


It’s also one of the few steroids that I’d say would be OK to run solo. If a guy is looking to cut up a little more, but nothing dramatic, then anavar is a solid choice!! 6-8 weeks before spring break or a cruise would be a good time to start a low calorie diet along with some anavar.

With good discipline and legit anavar, one can do an awful lot of changing in a couple short months.
I’ve always found any oral to work better in smaller dosages throughout the day rather than just 1 large dosage once/day.
Some of the larger mg tabs such as the 50mg tabs are actually a pain in the ass to me, because I need to cut them up. I’ve tried “pulse cycling” before (only running orals on training days in larger amounts), taking 1 large dose an hour before I train, and I never get as strong doing it that way.
A small and steady dosage throughout the day is what gives me the better results, and that is with any oral compound!!


man last time i seen real anavar tabs was from tokkyo labs i think, and they were really good, and I've seen Liquid anavar and it was very good but clumped and didn't shake well, never really seen a good recipe to make oral anavar in liquid on any <h1>steroid forum</h1> including ours recipe forum. The raw anavar powder is really light and more like flour.