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[h=1]Best Sarms for Cutting and Bulking Cycle. Rad140, LGD, S4, and mk-2866. SARMs FAQ[/h]

Cutting SARMS:

  • Cardarine gw 501516
  • Ostarine
  • S4 Sarm Andarine

Bulking SARMS:

  • LGD
  • RAD140
  • Andarine S4
  • Stenabolic

Sarm Ostarine cutting cycle

Great bridge between steroid cycle to maintain gains, however Ostarine alone can yield solid muscle gains especially when stacked with other SARMs. All details are explained below with the process of usage:

  • Generic/Nonproprietary Name: Enobosarm
  • Developmental Code Names: Ostarine, GTx-024, S-22 and MK-2866
  • Trade/Brand Names: OSTAR1NE
  • Chemical Nomenclature: ((2S)-3-(4-cyanophenoxy)-N-[4-cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanamide)
  • Synonyms: N/A
  • Molecular Mass/Weight: 389.33 g/mol
  • Legal Status: Unscheduled (US)
  • Oral Bioavailability: ‘High’
  • Biological Half-Life: 24 hours
  • Methylated: No (Liver Safe)
  • Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: N/A
  • Common Dosages: 5mg to 30mg daily
  • Common Cycle Length: 1-2 Months/4-8 Weeks
  • Dosing Frequency: Once daily (Due to half-life)
  • Dosage Timing: Anytime
  • Taking on Empty Stomach/With Food: Either

Selective Androgen receptor Modulator (SARM) Cycle Protocols for Experienced Bodybuilders as well as Beginners SARM Cycles:
Beginner: 10/10/15/15/20/20 (6-Week Cycle)

Advanced: 25/25/25/25/25/25 (8-Week Cycle)

Synergistically Stacks Extremely Well With:
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Lr3 (IGF-1 Lr3) for synergistic recomping as both aid with simultaneous fat loss and muscle growth, as well as both being associated with joint and ligament repair as well as Collagen Synthesis for tendons. Cardarine (GW501516) for synergistic fat loss and enhanced endurance and vascularity.

SARM Cycle Stacks:

Recomp & Muscle Gains: (8-Week Cycle)
Ostarine: 25/25/25/25/25/25 (in mg/day)
IGF-1 Lr3 : 50mcgs every day

Lean Dry Bulk Stack: (6-Week Cycle)
Ostarine: 20/20/20/20/20/20 (in mg/day)
Andarine: 35mg daily

Strength And Muscle Stack:
Ostar1ne: 30-35mg every day (8-Week Cycle)
Andarine S4: 35mg every day (6 Week Cycle)
S-4 Andarine represents the first member of a new class of SARMs with selective anabolic effects

S-4 is one of several 2nd generation non-steroidal SARMs developed at the end of the twentieth century. The goal with these compounds was to develop pharmacological aids towards improving physical function and bone health without adversely impacting prostate and cardiovascular states, another words create steroids without the side effects. The success of a SARM in fulfilling such goals rests very much on its selectivity, which in turn is measured by way of its activity at prostate sites and muscular tissue sites

  • Generic/non-prop name: Andarine
  • Developmental code names: S-4, GTx-007
  • Trade/brand names: n/a
  • Chemical nomenclature: (2S)-3-(4-acetamidophenoxy)-2-hydroxy-2-methyl-N-[4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]propanamide
  • Synonyms: S-3-(4-acetylamino-phenoxy)-2-hydroxy-2-methyl-n-[4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]propanamide
  • Molecular mass/weight: 441.357 g/mol
  • Legal status: IND
  • Oral bioavailability: approximately 4hrs (2.6-5.3hr) in rat and dog
  • Biological half-life: >90% (dose dependent)
  • Methylated: no
  • Anabolic/androgenic ratio: 3:1
  • Common cycle length: 4-8 weeks
  • Common dosages: 25-75mg /d
  • Dosing frequency: 1-3x /d
  • Dosage timing: personal preference
  • Taking on empty stomach/with food: personal preference

Andarine S4 cycle:
Andarine for Beginner: 50/50/50/75/75/75
Andarine Advanced: 50/50/75/75/75/100/100/100

S4 Andarine Synergy Stack cycles:
S4/Ostarine: Ostarine – 10/10/15/15/15/20/20/20 & Andarine – 50/50/50/50/75/75/75/75
PCT Post Cycle Therapy protocol is advised.
Clomid PCT – Post Steroid Cycle Guidelines

Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is a non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM)

  • Generic/non-prop name: Ligandrol
  • Developmental code names: LGD-4033, VK-5211
  • Trade/brand names: LeGenD
  • Chemical nomenclature: 4-[(2R)-2-[(1R)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1-hydroxyethyl)]pyrrolidin-1-yl]-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzonitrile
  • Synonyms: 4-{(2R)-2-[(1R)-2,2,2-Trifluoro-1-hydroxyethyl)]-1-pyrrolidinyl}-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzonitrile
  • Molecular mass/weight: 338.248
  • Legal status: IND
  • Oral bioavailability: ‘High’ (quantitative data presently unavailable)
  • Biological half-life: 24-36hrs
  • Methylated: No
  • Anabolic/androgenic ratio: (quantitative data presently unavailable)
  • Common cycle length: 6-12 weeks
  • Common dosages: 4-12mgs /d
  • Dosing frequency: QD
  • Dosage timing: Personal preference
  • Taking on empty stomach/with food: Personal preference

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rad140 has links to tumor growth in higher dosages.that is what i just read any ways when reading on new types of sarms and this rad 140 one stuck out to me
Is this info coming from the company that is making your SARMS? I'm asking since they are recommending 35mg/every day for 6 weeks.
No this is a general write up on bulk up or cut sarm stack cycles , million ways to skin a cat
Yea, I think it's different for each brand. The guys at Premier are very helpful.

i am pretty positive i pmed you nearly that exact phrase brutha, lol, in any case its water under the bridge, and your all set and taken care of!
not too shabby a piece! should be a lot of guys now using premier-pharmaceuticals Ostarine and andarine from our store here! so hoping to hear more reviews
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Wanna try S4.
I like Rad140 wish it were available at store!
But store has great line up. I still never used the osta. MC Store was nice enough to give me extra.

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Ultimate Guide to SARMS for Cutting and Bulking: RAD140, LGD, S4, MK-2866, and More

Ultimate Guide to SARMS for Cutting and Bulking: RAD140, LGD, S4, MK-2866, and More

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have revolutionized the fitness world, offering steroid-like benefits without the severe side effects. This article explores the best SARMs for cutting and bulking cycles, focusing on RAD140, LGD, S4 (Andarine), MK-2866 (Ostarine), Cardarine, and Stenabolic, along with a handy FAQ to address common queries.

Cutting SARMS: Shaping Your Physique

Cardarine GW 501516: Known for its ability to enhance endurance and burn fat, Cardarine is not a typical SARM but works well in cutting phases. It boosts metabolism and shifts the body's energy source from glucose to fatty acids, aiding in significant fat loss.

Ostarine (MK-2866): Ostarine is famed for its dual ability to burn fat and preserve lean muscle mass, making it a staple in cutting cycles. It offers the benefits of traditional anabolic steroids like testosterone but without the harsh side effects.

S4 SARM (Andarine): Andarine S4 is known for its potent effect on fat burning and muscle hardening. It's particularly effective in eliminating stubborn abdominal and visceral fat while maintaining, and sometimes increasing, muscle mass during a calorie deficit.

Bulking SARMS: Building Size and Strength

LGD-4033 (Ligandrol): Ligandrol is renowned for its rapid muscle-building effects. It significantly enhances lean muscle mass and strength, making it a top choice for bulking cycles.

RAD140 (Testolone): RAD140 is one of the newest SARMS and is known for its incredible ability to build lean muscle mass. It mimics the effects of testosterone without the unwanted side effects of steroids.

Stenabolic (SR9009): Although not a typical SARM, Stenabolic works well in synergy with other SARMS in a bulking stack. It enhances endurance and metabolic activity, which can be beneficial in intensive bulking phases.


Are SARMs safe?
While SARMs are generally considered safer than traditional anabolic steroids, they are still research chemicals and should be used with caution. It's crucial to understand their potential side effects and the importance of post-cycle therapy.

Do I need PCT for SARMS?
Post-Cycle Therapy is recommended for most SARMs cycles to help the body recover and maintain the gains made during the cycle.

Can I stack different SARMS?
Yes, SARMS can be stacked for enhanced results. However, it's essential to understand how each SARM works to create an effective and safe stack.

How long should a SARMs cycle last?
A typical SARMs cycle lasts between 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the specific compound and the user's experience level.

SARMs offer a promising alternative to traditional steroids for cutting and bulking cycles. By selecting the right compound or stack, users can achieve significant fat loss and muscle gain with fewer side effects. However, thorough research, responsible use, and adherence to safety protocols are key to maximizing the benefits of SARMs while minimizing potential risks.
