
Way back in the day Tim Belknap had diabetes I believe. I am unaware of any current IFFP pros who have diatetes, but there must be some.
Yep, Tim Belknap is the only old school pro that I know of who has diabetes. Did a search, and fitness pro Jason Poston comes up as having diabetes.
The way that they take insulin, there will be several in the near future.

IDK man, I mean yeah you would think so , however Insulin Abuse was crazy during the Mass Monster Marcus Ruhl era and I would guess we would have heard of many by now, unless they're to ashamed to admit they fucked themselevs up!

And right now, I don't think nearly as many people , pros included fuck with it like they use to when Milo Sarcev almost bit the dust from insulin
Insulin is not something to play with, the shit will literally kill you

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He has developed type 2 diabetes. That's a little different than type 1. Tim Belknap and Jason Poston are type 1 diabetics. There's probably a lot more who have developed type 2 and may not even know it.