
Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
1 in 5 people reading this will experience clinical depression at some point in their lives (1). If you live in a developed country, you are twice as likely to get it compared to developing countries. Still, we don't know what causes depression. (2)
#Depression probably has different causes in different people, with genetics, traumatic events, drug use and DIET as potential factors. Rates seem to be increasing, but this could simply be due to more people seeking #medical attention and #suicide rates have been relatively stable in the past 15 years. Still, depression causes a lot of misery, and better treatments are needed!
The SMILES #trial looked at if #depressed patients with unhealthy #diets could be treated with dietary improvement. Shockingly, the results show that 1 in 4 depressed patients in this category may benefit from improving their diet! (3) compare this to 1 in 7 of depressed people in general helped from antidepressants. (4)
If you suspect that you are suffering from depression, seek help from your doctor! #Diet will not treat all depression and a #professional#assessment is of major importance!