Who believes in timeout for children?


New member
I think it's nothing but garbage and will only promote undisplined kids later on in life. I hate it when I see poeple on those talk shows where they show there kids at there houses cussing, throwing things, and hitting there parent's. They always say could you stop or please listen to me! BINGO! No wonder why they act the way they do becuase they don't respect or fear there parents. Instead of time out, it should be times up. Guys don't take this the wrong way becuase I don't support child abuse in no way. I just think there would be a lot more better kids if they were displined for things that are wrong. I'm sure you all want to raise your children to be the best they can be. So, tell me your views on this topic? I will find this interesting to see what you guys think.
Child Abuse???

PLEASE!.....Child abuse is when you emotionally or physically abuse your children. Or if you don't provide food shelter or a healthy living environment. THATS IT!
If my kid gets out of line he is getting swatted. Beating your kids ass is a GOOD thing. It lets them know that they can't get away with all this shit that kids are doing nowadays. I don't even have to spank my kid..raising my voice scares the shit out of him enough.
Timeouts are fine..after you wop em a good one. Nothing wrong with a swat every once in a while. I don't condone anything beyond spanking....no hitting in the face or stomach or anything like that. Bottom line is....you start when they are young...and they will be OK. You let them roll over you from the start....and they will continue to do so forever.............456
i never got the timeout punishment as a kid, i got spanked with a belt or a giant wooden spoon instead. I dont know if it worked though cause im still a fuckup
In today's society it seems taboo to ever get even a little physical with your children. Me and many in my generation remember severe ass whoppins and hell yes it made me tow the line.
I agree with you, discipline is a must, abuse NEVER.
I couldn't agree more! CHild abuse is one thing but spanking is another. There is absolutely nothing wrong with spanking a child on the ass. I was such a little shit when I was a kid that I dread to think of where I would be if I wasn't disciplined. My dad always taught me to respect my elders and if I didn't I was punished. It made me a much better person today. He always told me it hurt him a lot more to spank me than it hurt me. I always thought he was crazy because I was the one with the burning red ass after but I learned in time what he meant.
People need to keep their kids in check, it seems like the more and more uptight people become of disciplining children the worse the kids become.
Exactly it taught me respect for authority, and no to step out of line. I'm thankful everyday for the way I was disciplined, even if I was from a broken home. All that "time out" is crap. Displine=Direction! Also another thing that should be implanted into self correction is love too and not to simply do it out of anger.
Latin-Do you have kids? If not, your opinion is based on what...you're upbringing? Just curious. (edited: I see. You were just polling to see others views.)

Time out helps kids, if enforced correctly. I have no problem spanking either, though.

I really only have to give THE LOOKto straighten mine out, though.
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I think you have to ask yourself: "Am I taking out my frustration/anger on my child by hitting them?" Do you think it's ok to hit your wife/girlfriend? I think if you watch a lot of people disciplining their children physically (people who I see do it in public, like at the grocery store) - those people are very mad/upset at their child (for embarrassing them or whatever), and appear to be taking out that frustration on the child. Not saying that those on here who are in favor of spanking are doing this - only you can decide if this is the case. And I know that I sometimes feel like smacking my kids when they make me mad. But, I've made a decision not to, and I'm glad of that.
Dad never layed a hand on me once in my entire life out of anger. Somethign abou this voice jsut made me and my brothers want to curl up and die. Now that I am somewhat grown up I have jokingly told him we wished he would have just beat us instead of talkign to us like he did. Mom gave us a few smacks now and then. I can honestly say it had no where near the impact of pops talking to us, but then again that is just how he is, people respect him like that.

I don't see any problem with a spanking now and again but there is a fine line between discipline and abuse.
Also, hitting/smacking doesnt equal spanking. You should never lay a hand on your childs face!!! Now, a poke to the forhead to get them thinking is one thing, but to slap a childs face is horrible.

Just to clarify.