Is This A Prank???


New member
A buddy of mine told me he was going to get even on me for drawing designs on his face with black marker from when he passed out on the couch last month. He said he did this prank on one of his buddies where he went to college and was bragging about how good it was. Well, for about 2 weeks now, I have been getting phone calls throughout the day from all sorts of various people. I have call display and usually don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the number. Is there such a prank where he could have submitted my number to something so I would get all these random phone calls?? I don't want to ask him if it is him.
He could have put in an ad somewhere saying you were selling a car or something cheap, or posted your number on a bathroom wall, who knows. Answer at least one of the calls and see what they want! Ask them where they got your number.