If You Are making little gains try this!


New member
I have recently been doing 12-15 sets per muscle/week and have been making small gains over the years. Some good guys from this board told me to drop my sets to 6 per muscle because I was overtraining,,,,AAAnnddd damn! were they right. I have been eating alot of protien and doing this workout for 3 weeks natural, and im allready growing so much, people think i am juicing because of my gains allready.
I always try and change things up, but i just can't seem to stop at 6 sets a week per body part, i know i'm over training, but i like to work out too much, it's a damn curse i have to live with.
cinnabar8521 said:
I always try and change things up, but i just can't seem to stop at 6 sets a week per body part, i know i'm over training, but i like to work out too much, it's a damn curse i have to live with.

Yeah I hear ya on that. I feel like im getting a shitty workout at only 6 sets per muscle, but since I do it with so much intensity at 5-6 reps, then the next day I call tell it was worth it.
6 SET??..... I'LL GO WITH 9... IS 6 REALLY ENOUGH????

Good job bro, I'm doing around 9 sets per muscle and its working great and if you do it right it feels like a lot more of a workout then 12-15 sets