Anyone know what PGF2 aka lutylase aka Prostiglandin F 2 alpha is?


MC Vet
I can't find much info on it except that it is a veterinary product that is somehow used in bodybuilding.... That's all I can gather from obscure articles I find online. Does anyone know anything about it? or can u point me to info regarding it? Thanks, bigjosh
i had a hard time trying to find info. i ended up finding one good article on it, and it made me take the plunge. some say its shit, some say its the next best thing. my results were injecting into the muscle, i could not find much localized growth, however injecting in my waistline, caused my waistline to shrink drastically. best fat burner i have ever used. (i haven't tried dnp). the drawback, makes you sick as hell. the injection are not painfull but after injecting you get flu like symptons, and have to shit real bad. (every injection) most say 2-3 cc's aday, have read some post where some guys went up to 6 cc, not me couldn't handle it. the best way for me was to go 1/4cc a time (least side effects) and try to squeeze in 6 to 8 injections a day. other than the sides i would use it on a regular basis. would love to see what higher dosages would do. having a hard time finding the suff now. if you locate it give me a pm, i'm still interested in experimenting a little more. some say its a good bridge, and will allow you full recovery, however, that was not true for me. hope this helps. take care.