Slin Dose

Don't get mad about me asking this.. I would be negligent if I didn't..
How much do you know about insulin?
Not mad at all. I do understand and thank you for your concern. I read all your posts and comprehend them fully. I just cant figure out if I should do more the the one shot of 15 ius post workout. Do I need more to get the synergistic effect of the growth?
I don't think you should focus on the synergistic effect of the GH.

You should focus on taking the proper amount of slin to force the carbs/protein into your muscles without going hypo.

The synergistic effects of slin with the GH will come by default.

And, you should start with low doses and work your way up to see how your body reacts to the slin.
I started with 6 ius worked my way up to 14 with no ill effects. Only one shot post work out per day. I was thinking of adding another shot later in the day but its hard with my job.