Glute pain.



Glute pain.

A buddy of mine is doing sus 750 mg/week glute shots, always on the same side. He's using 23 g darts and after he's done, he hobbles like an old man for almost a week. I even did one to help him out, thought maybe he was injecting too fast, or the wrong spot. He's in so much pain that he can't bend his leg, sit, or even touch the area, no redness or swelling though. I gave him all the advice I can, won't listen or rotate. Anyone else get this much pain from glute shots? I could use an 18 g, any cc's I want, do squats and cardio the same day with no problem. Any advice for this joker, before I strangle him? I told him use a heating pad, massage the area, take ibuprofen. Am I missing something?
Maybe he listen to you this time..... he can do glutes, quads are very easy to shoot why shoot always on the same site?
He's terrified of needles, he tells me now he's been having someone else do it. He will only let someone hit his right glute. I basically told him he's a moron and don't cry to me if you won't listen. I still don't know why he's getting that sore from a gulte shot.
I would think he is getting sore form too many shots in the same location, and too much oil is building up.
Well, I'm going to copy this for him and show him. If he won't listen I'm going to write the jackass off.
Hey Jackass, rotate your shot location !! Listen to scorpio he is a good bro.