~Riddles & Mind Teasers~


New member
This should get everyone started :D
Please feel free to add riddles at anytime gang!

*Most often, riddles have more than one answer..

1} A man walks down the street and sees 2 birds. One walks left and one walks right, but never separate. How is this possible?

{this riddle has several possible answers}

2} There is something that is nothing, but it has a name. It joins our walks; it joins our talks; it plays in every game. What is it?

3} A prisoner is told "If you tell a lie we will hang you; if you tell the truth we will shoot you." What can he say to save himself?

4} A man jumped 150 feet entirely under his own power. He landed safely. How could this be?

5} What eight letter word contains only one letter?
3. " you people are gunna hang me." That way he's not lying and then they can't do nething to him.
1) If the birds "sidestepped", back to back they would each be going in the same direction but also left and right, respectively
2)Could be time
3)He could say nothing, either way if he talks he gets killed
4)He could jump 1 foot at a time
5)DAMMIT, I don't know!
Most of you have probably heard this one...

A man leaves his campsite and walks one mile south, then one mile east then one mile north. He finds himself back in his campsite and a bear walks by. What color is the bear??
Hey that same bear asked a rabbit, "do you have a problem with shit sticking to your fur?" the rabbit answered "NO" so the bear used the rabbit to wipe his arse.
1. They're facing oppisite directions as they walk (ie. one's facing north while the other is facing south).
2. Your shadow
3. He says nothing
4. Jumping one foot at a time?
5. Hell if I know.
Ooh! I'll tell ya :)

The word envelope consists of 8 letters, but only one letter goes into the envelope.
You write a 'letter' and put it in the envelope.
bigshug said:
Most of you have probably heard this one...

A man leaves his campsite and walks one mile south, then one mile east then one mile north. He finds himself back in his campsite and a bear walks by. What color is the bear??

Actually, I haven't heard it *lol*
I talk a wild guess & say the bear is purple.

*bada bump*
And now you see why I'm always the person posting the riddles & not answering them :D
6} Mr. and Mrs. Albright go on a trip to Switzerland. While they are gone, a man sees in a newspaper: "Mr. Albright killed in a skiing accident." The man immediately calls the police and says "Arrest Mrs. Albright as soon as she gets off the plane - she killed her husband." How does he know this?

7} I am light as a feather, but big as a barn. Sixty horses can't pull me off the ground. What am I?

8} How can 2 people step on 1 piece of paper so that they can't touch each other without stepping off the paper?

9} There was a man walking on a sandy desert and every time he looked behind him, he didn't see any footprints; there were no strong winds on that day. Explain.

10} What is greater than god, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it you will eventually die?
Sachet said:
Ooh! I'll tell ya :)

The word envelope consists of 8 letters, but only one letter goes into the envelope.
You write a 'letter' and put it in the envelope.

Good one...:)
7. The barn's shadow??

I'll get you some riddles. I will need to find a new riddle site first.