Hardcore Gyms In Texas


New member
Hey I was wandering if any of you knew of any good hardcore gyms in the dallas-carrollton area, I'm moving there in about a week.
How far away is Arlington?? Ronnie's old gym is there, and judging from his video, it's pretty cavemanesque.......it built his physique so it must be the shit
Arlington is maybe an hour from Dallas/Carrollton Area! There are a few Balley's, & 24HR Fitness locations all around there!
bigshug said:
How far away is Arlington?? Ronnie's old gym is there, and judging from his video, it's pretty cavemanesque.......it built his physique so it must be the shit

yea, I used to train there but had to move. It is a bad ass gym, best one I've ever trained at. Sad to say it is too far away.