600 mgs of Test too much for 2nd cycle?


New member
My plan was to take 500 mg/wk of QV EQ 1-12, 300 mg/wk of QV Test Prop 1-4, and 600 mg/wk of QV Test Enan, 1-12. Is this too much test for a second cycle? My first cycle was 300 mg/wk of QV Deca 1-9, and 500 mg/wk QV Test Enan. 1-10. Thanks for all of the help, bros!
Stats b/f first cycle:
Wt: 189 lbs.
Bench max: 240
Squat max: 250
Deadlift max: 255
Military Press max: 175

Stats after first cycle:
Wt: 212 lbs.
Bench max: 285
Squat max: 370
Deadlift max: 370
Military Press max: 200

Goals for second cycle: To bench 315 (max), Deadlift 400 (max), Squat 400 (max), and Military Press 225 (max). Ideal weight to reach and maintain after second cycle: 220 lbs. I would not only like to reach these numbers, but also maintain them post-cycle.
You are using the prop to front load the cycle so after wk#4 you will be at 600mg week test- 900 totle for the 1st 4 weeks- I think this should do you all right. Remeber the liquidex .25mg e/d- what are your post cycle plans to keep your gains?
My plan is to use the universally accepted Clomid scheme, which is two weeks after last shot of test (I haven't yet checked the half-life of EQ), 300 mg 1st day, 100 mg for the next 10 days, and 50 mg for the next 10 after that. Would I need HCG being that I will be on for 12 weeks, as opposed to 8 or 10? If it isn't necessary to use HCG, I'd rather not, for monetary reasons.
How did you do with holding your gains after the 1st cycle? If you had problems holding them for a period of time and used the clomid like you said I would suggest something different.

Vets lets give SNDMN some help post cycle....
I suppose I held onto most of them with much success. My weight, even in the pinnacle of my cycle, wavered between 213 and 216. Currently, I am at 211.5 lbs. My strength went down only in Military Presses- I am still confused about that one. I was able to do 185 for 5 reps and then 195 for 3. Now I can barely do 185 for 4 reps and 195 for 1, if at all. Other than that, everything else has maintained or increased (i.e. bench, squat and deadlift).
Didn't see your height in there but the cycle looks good. Simple and effective!

There is one thing however, the EQ and the Enan have simular half-lifes. Why not stop them both at the same time?
I am stopping them both at the same time. I am running both the test enan. and the EQ weeks 1-12.
SNDMN said:
I am stopping them both at the same time. I am running both the test enan. and the EQ weeks 1-12.
Gotcha! Miss read from your first cycle to your second.
I don't think HCG is needed, some will disagree, but that isn't that long of a cylce. Now, this also depends on your age, if your an old timer like some people around here;) , you might want to use it for a faster recovery, as us young bucks seem to recover quicker!