How beneficial would arimidex be for a women competing?


Staff member
Anyone have any idea as to how effective adding arimidex to a female would be to cut her up by stopping estrogen conversion. if anyone can find any articles that would be great and first hand experiance would be better. thnx
oh yeah for a natural women competing so the arimidex would be used for stopping her natural estrogen production or slow it down some i suppose, need info thnx
I've looked at a lot of articles for ya, can't find anything that would help you about running it by itself. Sorry.
I remember when liquidex first came out there was a study of side effects, that said women shouldn't take it. I can't remember the specefic sides for women, I'll try to find the article. It was orginally on fitness board.
The sides really suck for women, brittle bone disease is one of them.
Common side effects are: shortness of breath, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, hot flashes, weakness, cough, dry mouth, skin rash, sweating, abdominal pain and bone pain.

Some less common symptoms are vaginal bleeding, weight gain, tiredness, chills, fever, breast pain, and itching. In case of an overdose, it is recommended to contact your poison control center.

It wasn't with this study, but it throws off their period, and can possibly cause birth defects, if she becomes pregnant while on dex.
I've heard (so don't hold me to it) from someone with breast cancer that 6 aromisin barely makes a dent in her estrogen production. That alone would make it cost prohibited.

On the other hand hardbodygrl (from a few boards) recomends "some nolvadex" to a female competitor who is under the gun to cut.