blonde joke


New member
Space Shuttle launches with the following crew; two monkeys and a blonde.
Once in orbit, NASA is heard.

"This is Houston, could monkey number 1 please carry out your task."

Monkey number 1 jumps over to the console, taps in a few instructions
and a sattelite is promptly launched.

"This is Houston, could monkey number 2 please carry out your task."

Monkey number 2 jumps over to the console and enters the commands
to return the shuttle to Earth.

"This is Houston, could the blonde please ca..."

"I know, I know... feed the monkeys and don't touch anything."
pudgy said:
lol, trying to stay out of trouble huh bro

I don't really think there's any hope of that, but no need to go out of my way to get "in" trouble!