whats your opinion on human cloning ?

I think that there's enough people in the world already. Why make carbon copies? I could see them cloning organs to repair or replace damaged ones, that way the body would accept them. But a whole person? Why would you need it?
Yes if they could start curing Cancer and Aids than I guess there is an upside. But I think messing with stuff like that is border line taboo. Then again mail order Angela Joulie's would be a marketable item.
I don't like the idea of growing a living human in a lab just so you can part them out... Even growing parts of humans (which can be done - they've grown human ears on the backs of mice) worries me a bit... At what point do you have enough of a "human" that you become worried about killing that human by removing things. I guess individual organs are fine (minus the brain) imo, but I definitely am against cloning for use in organ harvesting.
Nah, didn't mean it that way Al. I wouldn't want a chop shop. I meant more like "liver in a petrie dish." Hey if it could cure a sick kid or something, more power to it.
Not a whole person, but being able to clone organs could save a lot of lives.

On second thought, I like the mail order Angela Joulie idea! I'll take 1 Jennifer Love Hewitt. :)
Choke if it were true, I'd pack my wife's suitcase now and refinance my house to cover the cost.
I think it would be a good thing if they cloned just single organs or body parts. You could have one made from your own tissue, and have a transplantable organ that you wouldn't reject. People wouldn't die from not being able to get a transplant. I guess the only problem would be people like me that would have another dick cloned and splice it onto the orrigional.
Hell I wouldn't mind about 2 or three more of me around. Then maybe I could get some stuff done;)
i dont think human beings should be cloned, but i do think that if they can cure diseases and clone endangered species that would be sweet. they could clone me another liver though, that would be great
No human clones.....we fuck up the Earth and it's environment badly enough without having to worry about more of us around. I do think cloning endangered species is a good thing though, with all of the destruction of natural habitat and environmental pollution we're responsible for, the least we could do is try to save species' that can't save themselves
I agree with that, bigshug.
We'd basically be interfering with evolutionary processes & natural selection.

The first big problem I have is the way in which the egg is 'harvested'.
An unfertilized egg is taken from a female donor, its genetic material is sucked out & replaced with the new DNA {cell nucleus}.
Each egg is an individual.. you could be sucking out the genetic material of a genius.
This egg may only be permitted to develop for only a couple of days before it's implanted in a host womb.. eggs, if left in their natural environment take years to develop.
In clinical conditions, it only takes moments to unite an emptied egg & the contents of a cell.
This is where the problems are occuring.. researchers suspect that by rushing things, it leads to many subtle gene changes that can cause the resulting embryo to fail to develop normally.
Another problem scientists noticed while cloning animals is that the cells weren't going onto the division process on their own.
They were placing an unfertilized egg cell with it's necleus* DNA sucked out, along side the other cell & zapped it with an electric pulse to fuse them together.
A second pulse was then used to mimic the burst of energy which is similar to the energy during 'natural fertilization'.
This is how they were jump starting the cell division process.
The problem they realized was that the zap shock doesn't fully mimic the activation process of sperm soOo what does that give us?
Cloned animals thus far have had physical & developmental problems such as obesity, lung problems, arthritis, difficulties with organs or neurological development, immune system deficiencies, heart defects & have shown signs of premature aging.
Not only that, it takes many attempts.. most which end up as still births.
Having this knowledge of cloned animals, do we put cloned children at risk for gross abnormalities in the child's hormonal system.. which could erupt.. or subject them to a life that could include grotesque weight gain?
Dolly's life span was shortened.. accelerated aging.
She was cloned from six year old cells.
It would stand to reason that if her aging was accelerated, a cloned human's life most likely would be shortened by the amount of time the nucleus has already spent as an adult.

I guess the real question is, how many human mess*ups would be acceptable in the name of science..

Every scientist has a lil Frankenstein in her.. or him ;)
As far as cloning humans.. I'm 100% against it.
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