Remember awhile back ??



A bunch of bro's on here asked me for real deal places to train NHB type stuff, I threw out a bunch of great schools,clubs and academies, I was wondering if anyone went thru and started to train ??
I'd like to but the only thing I've found around here is Tae kwondo (sp?).
a ton jugg, get more specific and I'll hook you up. Badger where are you ??
Choke, do you know any good places near Huntington, WV? I thought about starting back to Ground Zero and it's filled with great guys, but it's one of those places where if you haven't been going for a long time, they don't really associate with you much.
I'm in Milwaukee. Just down the road in Chicago theres tons of options, but I need something close to make it possible to invest the time needed.