Cyber-rights again...

The normal front page is working for me... What sort of problems are you having? I know people have had issues (probably with the java they use) where restarting their browser or rebooting their computer let them access things
I got a message that my account was deactivated. Is it from lack of use? A page comes up asking me to get the premium account. If I try to re-register, I can't use my regular screen name. Do I need to get the premium account? I'm confused. (like that never happens LOL)
If you don't access the basic accounts in 3 weeks, they supposedly get deactivated. I guess that's what happened, and now they want you to buy a premium one to keep the same name?
thats what it seems like. I tried to register the deleted name and it said I couldn't use it
Yeah... btw, that seems kind of backwards. Make the people who don't use it often upgrade?
I don't really know for sure if I could use the old name even if I upgraded though. That's just a guess on my part
I could probably use a different name for free, but I wanted to keep that one. maybe I should try upgrading and see if it will let me.

Just got laid-off today, really not a good time to get a paid account.
Hmm... so when you try an log in, you get an "error authenticating with server" message? The java could be screwed up, or you could have something wrong with your username and password (your caps lock key isn't on, is it?).... Have you tried rebooting? It's also possible that they are having a server problem internally, but I'm not having problems right now
I recently switched to Windows XP, I installed the 6.0 browser and then installed the Java download from cyber-rights...the error I get now
Yeah, that's something screwy with the java you have installed... How about dl'ing mozilla (a different browser) and trying it that way. It'd use a different java install, most likely, not the ms vm or whatever.