Vit C to flush surface water


New member
I know it is helpful but what kind of dose and pattern of use is best?

five days? Increasing from 6 grams (2 grams 3 times per day) up to 12 grams (4 grams 3 times per day)? What do you guys think?


That protocol would work. Just make sure that you continue to take the vit. C after the water is reduced / dropped, in order to keep driving diuresis.

If you can find some that is in capsules, it will help. That shit is tough to swallow w/o water.

thanks....I have a pool party this Sat and started on Wed. night aswell as carb loading and water intake adjustments. lol

*IF* you're lean enough, you can tell when you've droppped water. By "big day" I assumed you were getting ready for a contest. :)

If you're lean enough for water loss to make a big difference, then it really shouldn't matter if you're just having a pool party... I doubt anyone will be scrutinizing your physique to that degree. A good tan, if you don't have one, will make a bigger difference.

Enjoy the party, man!
