If You Had To Pick One...


New member
...which strikes your fancy?
Post the word you like best & it will tell us something about your personality and what you've always had the secret desire to be.

1} A paniolo
2} A humuhumunukunukuapua'a
3} A laka
4} A kahuna
5} An ali'i
ok I'll play along, even though I have no idea what we are picking

5} An ali'i
I think weirdal got lucky becuas e he recognized one of the words. Radical looks pritty confident. Bleed Green is prolly the only one REALLY on to something.lol
I know will regret this but here goes -
A humuhumunukunukuapua'a - saying it just sounds funny
I'll go with a alaka, but I don't have a clue what they mean.
That number 2 sounds like something Ralph would say on the Honeymooners when he messes up :D

If you picked 'paniolo' {Sugaa & Auri} you have the desire to become an Hawaiian cowboy! yee ha!
Chaps, ropes.. ou!

If you picked 'humuhumunukunukuapua'a' {AlRex, Choke, scorpio} life wouldn't be complete til you've transformed into a rectangular triggerfish! da Dum .. da Dum.. {<~~scarey jaws music}

If you chose 'A laka' {Elemental, badger, mailboxkillr} you've fantasized, but have been excellent at surpressing your urges to become the goddess of the hula.

Picking 'kahuna' {Champ, radical} has made your ambitions set on being a wise person in any field.

If you chose 'An ali'i' {Harvey} you are the chief or royalty of MC!