Low Carb - Fried Chicken


Harvey Balboner

My girlfriend found and made this, and it was awesome.

Serves 4

8 chicken thighs
1 T paprika (I'd use sweet Hungarian)
salt and pepper to taste
1 quart Peanut oil or lard for frying (I'll use the oil!)
3 large egg whites
1/3 cup heavy cream
1 tsp. Durkee's Red Hot Sauce
1-1/2 cups crushed pork rinds

Several hours before cooking the chicken, rinse it well, trim off any odd bits, pat dry and rub it with the paprika, salt and pepper. Let marinade in seasonings for at least 2 hours.

Heat oil in dutch oven over medium heat. Meanwhile, whisk the egg whites in a bowl with the cream and hot sauce. Put the crushed pork rinds in a plate. Dip the chicken pieces first in the egg white mixture, then in pork rinds coating well. When oil reaches 370 degrees, it is ready for frying.

Fry the chicken pieces in two batches, cooking them 10 minutes on each side or turning them frequently, as you prefer. Don't the the temperature go over 375. When chicken pieces are done, remove them to a platter lined with paper towels and immediately salt and pepper them.

Protein: 38.9 G
Fat: 33.6G
Carbohydrate: .8G this is less than 1 gram of carbs a piece
Can I use chicken instead of the pork (I eat kosher only)

And what do you mean heavy cream?

Is it like yogurt? If it's dairy, is there something I can use instead of that or omit it?

Heavy cream is in the dairy section, usually in cartons, it kinda like whip cream without the sugar mixed with milk.

The pork rinds are what gives it a batter to taste like fried chicken.
It's a go for me when cutting, I cut by going low carb
Well does sounds HI Carb also High fat. Can make a good Off meal when your craving chicken.
uh there is only .8 of a carb per piece, so each piece is not even a whole carb, doesn't get much more low carb than that.