Holy carp I am brokededed out!


Sorry had to steal al's holy carp! Well from the combo of beach, shaving my arms, and sunblock my arms are sooo broke out. I look like i have chicken pocks! I wont even where a tank top b/c it is embarassing. I am using salicytic acid 3x day and showering twice a day to try to get rid of this crap...any advice or little tips on getting rid of, and yes I know keep my hands off of them but damn I love popping pimples lol!
Naw man I am very dark skinned and I didnt actually tan much at the beach....this just sux! But maybe it is a tumor!!! lol
I had something that sounds like that before. They were more like chicken-pox looking things than pimples. Got it all over my arms and neck from the sun block I used. Must have been allergic to something in it. It lasted over a month.... hope youe doesn't. :D
Naw they be pimples.... they pop cool as hell now if I can just keep my grimy paws off them! They only look like pocks when I have idle hands lol
Well, if they're just pimples... no sweat. Just bear down real hard with a razor and zip them babies right off.
Badger is always there to save the day.....

Seriously though, another alternative would be to act like you have your arms caught in a steel trap and chew them both off.....VOILA!!! Problem solved
Pantothenic Acid - I don't remember the dose -4 grams a day for 5 days then 1 gram a day ? easy to get OTC.
Do a Search here - you'll find the dose.
It worked great for me when Clomid was killing my shoulders once.
look, i used to break out real bad on fina, i started using a facial cleaner on my shoulders, back, and face, then applying stridex pads right after. i would do this in the morning and at night. so far, no breakouts for me.
yeah I finally am getting it under control 2 showers a day....stridex pads 3x day especially post workout and post get home from work