Tarax, Dandilion Root and Vitamin C can you take all three?


New member
I have a few Questions about these three. Lets say the show is saturday with prejudging starting at 2pm for my weight class.
The vitamin C tabs I have are 1000mg with rose hips and they are time released I read where you would take 2grams 3 times a day and then 4 grams 3 times a day. Does anyone know the conversion from mg to grams and is this amount right, also because these tabs are time released would they still work.
Next Question: I know nothing about tarax so any info on this and how and when would help and lastly the dandilion root, someone wrote that you take 4 tabs a day ( is there a certain gram amount these pills should be and when would you start it.
Can you take all three of these together and if you could how would you do it ( amounts, duration) Thanks for any knowledge on this matter I have always just minipulated my water but I may be missing a huge advantage technique by not using natural diaretics. Thanks

Six capsules contain:
Vitamin B-6: 24mg
Magnesium: 8.4mg
Dandelion leaf powder: 1500mg
Uva Ursi leaf extract (20% arbutin): 900mg
Guarana extract (22% caffeine): 600mg
Taurine: 115mg

Ingredients: Calcium Phosphate, Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin.

Suggested use:
As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules after morning meal and 3 capsules after mid-day meal, along with 16 fluid ounces of water. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.
I'd listen to dpsquat about the dandelion root bro, he knows his shit.

use the dandelion at 4 capsules 3 times a day! with plenty of water!-dpsquat
howdy all

scorpio was correct on the dandy. bu t remember to water load and deplete . Vita c is a MIN of 1000mg (1 gram) 3 times a day ( with meals).. tarx as directedplus and extra capsule each time you take!