Help going to Florida and I'm bulking


New member
Let just say that you knew someone that was 4 weeks into a bulking cycle when they were forced by the spouse to sit on the beach in Florida.
At that point the abs are almost gone. What could you do to look a little better?
Would Spirotone (aldactone) be a good option to drop some of the water.
If so how would one use it if they were flying to FL Wed. night and staying till Sunday night.

Bro you are bulking and you are married....keep eating man that vacation will help you throw on a few extra pounds! Just think you will be the biggest mofo on the beach, and no the aldactone will do you no good if there is a layer of fat over the muscle.
Not sure why you seem to question Bulking and being married. In fact it was my wife’s idea to beef up. Well sorta she when to the Arnold Classic with me and - “well OK – you can get a little bigger” . In my world that was a free pass to beef up big time…… She capped me at 215 she used to complain at about 200. 215 at low BF is big enough for me at 5-8” .

I bloat easy and think I will be holding a good amount of water by then. I am using Arimi at .5 ed and that helps – we’ll see how I look. The biggest part is my belly is always stuffed full of food.

I don’t hide anything from the wife – she’s the best. In fact she doesn’t even ask it I want 2 steaks or extra chicken when she takes meat out to defrost.
The other night I was bitch’en about being stuffed and she started calling me a wimp – I finished my brown rice after that……
You misunderstood sorry bout that bro....I was saying you are bulking, so therefore there is no reason to worry about the abs. The wife comment was me just being a smart ass sorry I was thinking you are married so it doesnt matter how good you look on the beach b/c you wife loves you for you....You can cut a down on the belly bloat by eating smaller more frequent like every 2 hrs rather than 3 or w/e you are eating will still be able to get in calories but you wont be as distended
I am not looking to impress the wife I can do that "off the beach" Just don't want to look like a TOAD sitting the sand...
maybe start really drinking the water, and digestive enzymes with every meal to cut down on bloat...
I live in Fl, and you will have no problem on the beach there are alot of fat people yo will fit right in.LOL:D
My bodyfat's pretty high right now, and I was the best looking guy on the beach back when I went to NagsHead.......don't be so hard on yourself