
New member
when i start carb loading in the final week, is it absolutely necessary to deplete sodium at the same time? does depleting sodium help loading carbs? what's gonna happen if i am still sodium loading when i start loading carbs? also a lot of people cut out sodium when they start tapering water. what's the logic behind it? what if i am still water loading when i start depleting sodium?
Bro I wouldnt take sodium out all together, i would load it, then maintain normal sodium intake, you will be completly flat if u deplete all sodium.
the main reason people drop the sodium is b/c it causes excess water retention and when you are trying to tighten up them joints and that skin you dont want any water retention at all...usually when you carb load, you load w/low sodium high gi carbs starting about fri night well you add in complex carbs on thurs but that is another story, but yes if you want to drop water effectively you need to dump the sodium