BottomLine Bodybuilding by Nelson Montana


New member
Anybody have this e-book?

I'm once again intrigued by what they are promising in the ad, but I'm also once again scared of paying for something that turns out to be filled with worthless stuff or things you already know for years.

Hey, I'm a real honest guy; if I get a free copy and like it... I'll buy it anyway. After all, credit for who credit is due, but I'm sick off paying lots of good money for worthless stuff.
o dear lord. go read 5 of his posts, then if you still want his book send me your money and ill buy me some chicken breasts with it, youll get about the same amount of info out of your money.
Thanks stefke..
I'll read that when I get a chance tomorrow.. haven't been over to elite for awhile.

I dunno about the playing fair question.. seems like you really hafta keep your eyes open when ever there's money involved.