Cytadren usage as part of final prep


New member
I was just wondering what experience the other members here have with the use of Cytadren as a cortisol suppressor and (to a lesser extent) anti-e, in the last week or two of contest prep.

I have read most of what is documented on this topic, much of which suggests it is very useful as a cosmetic hardening agent but I am really looking for some real life feedback from other competitive BBers.

Anyone like to comment?



I use Cytadren before all of my contest, preferably starting 17 days out. Use a 2 on 2 off protocol. Start with 1 pill on the first day, and then 2. Go 2 pills 2 on 2 off for about 1 week and the switch to 3 pills, 2 on 2 off. The last 3 days before the show, you should be at 1000 mg (4 tabs - 1 taken every 6 hours) - Wed/Thu/Fri

Now you may not be able to handle going to 4 pills, sometimes I can't even handle more that 2. Just keep it in your comfort zone because there are some serious side effects that you will get. All of your joints will be very sore, making it impossible to lift heavy. You will feel very sleepy and lethargic. However, you will be drier, bigger, and harder than ever before.

Some people say to get off the Cytadren before you start your carb-up because it makes it hard to get full. I don't prescribe to this train of thought because I feel when you be secreting the most amount of damaging cortisol is the day before and the day of the contest. I carb-up with Insulin, so the carbs are getting in there.

Start slow, and work your way from 1 pill up to hopefully 4 pills

Hope that helps
